this thread is something of a rehashing of all the generally legitimate griping and *****ing that followed the less than perfect beta game firaxis first packaged for us last xmas. in my opinion, with all the patches, it has come a long way, about a releaseable, finished product, as a matter of fact.
i've gotten over most of my initial dissapointment as familiarity has grown and patches have plugged holes, but still harbor cerrtain regrets.
1. city radii - wish they had adopted ctp2's expandable city radii. hate missing out on resources and goodies just 1 tile away.
2. colonies - if no change on city radii, at least they could have made colonies more like supply crawlers in sma/ac, able to not only prpvide access to luxury/resources, but simply able to ferry extra food/shields/gold back to home city. hate to see a city, part of an integrated civ, moribund because no one helps out in feeding it. alternative would be to ferry food from 1 city to another as in civ 2 - though trade differences sort of preclude this.
3. military - although i've become quite adept at the use of armies in civ III, still prefer the way they did it in ctp2, ability to lock together armies of units of different types (offensive, ranged, defensive, flanker) freely without having tp permanently lock them into something that limits the abilities of the individual units as well as opp to upgrade. overall bad idea.
4. diplomatic options - still nothing better than all the options under smac/ac - esp. the one that allows you to ask someone to stop attacking your friend. makes it nearly impossible to build real coalitions diplomatically.
5. tile based production - back to ctp2, loved being freed from having to allocate those irritating citzens. what purpose does this serve but to slow the game down from ai as well as human perspective? really?
6. lack of sea development - again harping on ctp2, but smac/ac as well, such a shame that island cities must wait til off shore platforms in the modern era to really develop.
overall, that is about it. most of the early beefs i had related to the shoddy beta quality of the original release, which has been, imho, pretty much fixed w/ all the patches. other probs i had have dissapeared w/ familiarity w/ game. what do you all think?
i've gotten over most of my initial dissapointment as familiarity has grown and patches have plugged holes, but still harbor cerrtain regrets.
1. city radii - wish they had adopted ctp2's expandable city radii. hate missing out on resources and goodies just 1 tile away.
2. colonies - if no change on city radii, at least they could have made colonies more like supply crawlers in sma/ac, able to not only prpvide access to luxury/resources, but simply able to ferry extra food/shields/gold back to home city. hate to see a city, part of an integrated civ, moribund because no one helps out in feeding it. alternative would be to ferry food from 1 city to another as in civ 2 - though trade differences sort of preclude this.
3. military - although i've become quite adept at the use of armies in civ III, still prefer the way they did it in ctp2, ability to lock together armies of units of different types (offensive, ranged, defensive, flanker) freely without having tp permanently lock them into something that limits the abilities of the individual units as well as opp to upgrade. overall bad idea.
4. diplomatic options - still nothing better than all the options under smac/ac - esp. the one that allows you to ask someone to stop attacking your friend. makes it nearly impossible to build real coalitions diplomatically.
5. tile based production - back to ctp2, loved being freed from having to allocate those irritating citzens. what purpose does this serve but to slow the game down from ai as well as human perspective? really?
6. lack of sea development - again harping on ctp2, but smac/ac as well, such a shame that island cities must wait til off shore platforms in the modern era to really develop.
overall, that is about it. most of the early beefs i had related to the shoddy beta quality of the original release, which has been, imho, pretty much fixed w/ all the patches. other probs i had have dissapeared w/ familiarity w/ game. what do you all think?