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Some Tweaks I'd Like To See

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  • Some Tweaks I'd Like To See

    I play on Deity level now and while I won't say I know everything I do believe I have experienced the game enough to make an informed opinion. I wont address defense vs. firepower in this post as I believe this to be a universally reviled change in Civ 3 which has been addressed again and again in many posts. However, there are some other tweaks to the game I would like to see.

    1. I like the submarines but they are underpowered IMHO. Modern Submarines carry Harpoon missiles which can destroy a ship from a distance. In Civ3 by the time you get subs they are already obsolete.
    My tweak would be. . .
    A. Increase offensive rating of all sub classes.
    B. Allow ranged attack for subs vs. other naval vessels.
    C. Allow subs to carry cruise missiles.

    2. Helicopters, Hunh!, What are they good for? Absolutely nothin' I'll say it again. Just after you get helicopters you can get MI and you can't airlift those units so why bother?
    A. Helicopters should be able to airlift Settlers, Workers, Artillery, and Cruise Missiles.
    B. As in modern navies helicopters should be able to spot submarines and be armed with cruise missiles to destroy them.
    C. To be more effective helicopters should have their carrying capacity increased.

    3. I love artillery and you should too! But arty can never keep up unless it is on a road and that is not always possible.
    A. Radar Artillery is already on a tracked vehicle, therefore it should have a 2 square movement rate.
    B. Cruise Missiles should have increased range.
    4. Bombers need more applications. Just pummeling your enemy into dust just isn't enough. Modern armies use these planes for more than just dropping bombs!
    A. Bombers or a similar new unit should be able to drop mechanized units into enemy territory.

    5. I would like to see a different civ specific unit for the French. That musketeer is kinda lame. Oh. Ho Hooo!
    A. Exercept missiles! France sold some of these missiles to Argentian before the Falkland War and man did they rip the English Navy a new one! Long range missiles fired from aircraft from beyond radar range will seek out the ship and strike it with impunity!

    6. Privateers. Cool idea but underpowered. I would like to see them taken to a new level. After all modern democracies (U.S.) and communist nations (former U.S.S.R.) fight by proxy too!
    A. Form a new unit call the Revolutionary. Createable in the espionage screen a democratic or communist nation can deploy insurgeant troops into a rival nation to wreak havoc on their infrustructure in their pursuit of freedom. yada, yada, yada. . . These units will have a low defense and attack rating but will have a movement rating similar to the Explorer.
    B. Privateers should be able to bombard and be upgradeable to have a better defense and attack rating.

    7. Finally my brainchild reveal to you I will. I think there are not enough things to trade in Civ3. Plus I miss not being able to give my neighboring friendly civs units.
    The tweak I would like to see. . .
    A. International Arms Bazaar! Is your civ decadent, lazy, apathetic but rich beyond measure? Huns knocking on your door? Army out of date and outnumbered? Well don't worry friend. Come on down to Big Bills International Arms Bazaar where you can get the latest or not so latest Weapons and military units delivered to your door! Chose from Panzers, Cossaks, Immortals, Samurai, Frigates, F-15's, and much much more. We have conscripts, regulars, veterans and elites. Chose one that fits your budget!
    B. Need some quick cash? That old swordsman eating a hole in your budget? Well you can sell that old military unit at Big Bills International Arms Bazaar.
    Cash only. No checks or cods.
    C. Military units garrisoned in the capitol city should be able to be sold/given to other civs.

    Well these are just a few of my ideas. I hope you enjoyed them and will post a few of your own.

  • #2
    Try my mod:

    It doesn't cover all your points, but it gets quite a few taken care of.

