First of all, I'm assuming most people want borders....
Ok, I know I'm probably going to get a lot of disagreement on this, but I think that borders should be determined by nature. In other words, when the game generates a map, it should make regions that follow a general pattern along rivers, bodies of water, and mountains. Small islands are their own regions.
What does this mean? It means that as a civ expands, its land is not just the limits of exploration that no other civ has explored. Instead, its sort of like with Risk where there are particular areas that can be controlled, but, two civs can occupy the same region and have their own borders within it. It just means that a civ's territory is broken down into groups based on natural borders.
Why have such a system? For several reasons... The first region occupied when the game begins is like the home base sort of. Think of it as any one particular country. When the civ expands to new regions, these are treated as colonies or just adjacent lands. It is the same way that England had Scotland, Wales, and Ireland as adjacent lands, and then all of their colonies.
What this will aid in is in revolutions. Regions farther from the "home base" will be more likely to break off. The farther away a region is, the more likely it is to break away. And the computer will just know that everything in that region becomes separate from the original civilization.
Second, many people were complaining that the AI fails to prepare adequately for war. Under this, as soon as another civ enters their region, the civ automatically begins constructing defensive units in all the cities that region regardless of what they were constructing before that. This also includes times when the opposing civ has borders that extend into that region and they are merely putting units there.
Third, it can be used if the different scale wars is used. Wars will be confined to those regions in small-scale colonial conflicts. Civs will only attack the "home base" in large conflicts.
And finally, when the war is all said and done, it would be nice to have an exchange of territory. The winner can annex all of the territory agreed upon in the peace settlement. Its a lot easier to just ask for all the civ's share in a given territory than to have to select each city or each tile... it would be kind of like the Lousiana Purchase (granted that was not because of war, but its still exchange of land). It should be possible to exchange land in peace as well.
Ok, I know I'm probably going to get a lot of disagreement on this, but I think that borders should be determined by nature. In other words, when the game generates a map, it should make regions that follow a general pattern along rivers, bodies of water, and mountains. Small islands are their own regions.
What does this mean? It means that as a civ expands, its land is not just the limits of exploration that no other civ has explored. Instead, its sort of like with Risk where there are particular areas that can be controlled, but, two civs can occupy the same region and have their own borders within it. It just means that a civ's territory is broken down into groups based on natural borders.
Why have such a system? For several reasons... The first region occupied when the game begins is like the home base sort of. Think of it as any one particular country. When the civ expands to new regions, these are treated as colonies or just adjacent lands. It is the same way that England had Scotland, Wales, and Ireland as adjacent lands, and then all of their colonies.
What this will aid in is in revolutions. Regions farther from the "home base" will be more likely to break off. The farther away a region is, the more likely it is to break away. And the computer will just know that everything in that region becomes separate from the original civilization.
Second, many people were complaining that the AI fails to prepare adequately for war. Under this, as soon as another civ enters their region, the civ automatically begins constructing defensive units in all the cities that region regardless of what they were constructing before that. This also includes times when the opposing civ has borders that extend into that region and they are merely putting units there.
Third, it can be used if the different scale wars is used. Wars will be confined to those regions in small-scale colonial conflicts. Civs will only attack the "home base" in large conflicts.
And finally, when the war is all said and done, it would be nice to have an exchange of territory. The winner can annex all of the territory agreed upon in the peace settlement. Its a lot easier to just ask for all the civ's share in a given territory than to have to select each city or each tile... it would be kind of like the Lousiana Purchase (granted that was not because of war, but its still exchange of land). It should be possible to exchange land in peace as well.