on the hope that the programmers and whoever else is responsible for civ III check these places out, lets sort of set out a definitive, REALISTIC, set of suggestions about what could be done about some of the more lunk headed things tha ai does. i'm thinking more on the terms of specifics, especially militay tactics and strategy, but am open to any SPECIFIC suggestions in any area, political, builds, etc.
let me start it off........
1. teach the ai how to bombard - i don't mind having an advantage, but an ai that knew how to use good combined arms tactics would be really refreshing. there comes a point, before armor appears, when, like in the real world, offense is rather lacking. cannon/artillery/naval bombardment is the only intelligent option. the ai just sends human waves of knight/cavalry in a tediously predictable rampage.
2. teach the ai how to move forces in clumps, with a good mix of offensive and defensive troops. they do this sometimes, but more often seem to attack peicemeal so i, with far fewer forces easily pick them off one at a time
2.a. same with naval forces
3. stop stupid settler crap
4. more sane ai alliance structure - though this seems to have improved in 1.29 - also, a little off topic, some kind of option to tell ai to "call off its dogs" against your friends. miss that from smac/ac, even ctp2, i think.
5. better use of ai armies - i've seen the ai do the stupidest things with them. also, more ai attention to building military academies - i always seem to be able to build one in a high production city, then bust out army after army to crack those tough nuts, or guard that horde of artillery. ai should go there sometimes too.
ok, all for now - sure i'll think of more later - these were just the things that hit me on the current german military bustout i'm enjoying now - panzers rock!
let me start it off........
1. teach the ai how to bombard - i don't mind having an advantage, but an ai that knew how to use good combined arms tactics would be really refreshing. there comes a point, before armor appears, when, like in the real world, offense is rather lacking. cannon/artillery/naval bombardment is the only intelligent option. the ai just sends human waves of knight/cavalry in a tediously predictable rampage.
2. teach the ai how to move forces in clumps, with a good mix of offensive and defensive troops. they do this sometimes, but more often seem to attack peicemeal so i, with far fewer forces easily pick them off one at a time
2.a. same with naval forces
3. stop stupid settler crap
4. more sane ai alliance structure - though this seems to have improved in 1.29 - also, a little off topic, some kind of option to tell ai to "call off its dogs" against your friends. miss that from smac/ac, even ctp2, i think.
5. better use of ai armies - i've seen the ai do the stupidest things with them. also, more ai attention to building military academies - i always seem to be able to build one in a high production city, then bust out army after army to crack those tough nuts, or guard that horde of artillery. ai should go there sometimes too.
ok, all for now - sure i'll think of more later - these were just the things that hit me on the current german military bustout i'm enjoying now - panzers rock!