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End game hoard of artillery

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  • #16
    No, I understand. Massive numbers of anything are overpowering... Knights, Cavs, Tanks, MA, and yes, Arty.

    Don;t foget, this is not a wargame... have fun trying to balance your cities and units with your objectives. If you're telling me you are achieving every objective of which you can conceive, and that you still have a bizillion Arty running around, then I bow to you.
    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Theseus
      No, I understand. Massive numbers of anything are overpowering... Knights, Cavs, Tanks, MA, and yes, Arty.
      True but I dont mind that any of the others are overpowering, because they die. Artys never die, they are at best just traded back and forth.

      Don;t foget, this is not a wargame... have fun trying to balance your cities and units with your objectives. If you're telling me you are achieving every objective of which you can conceive, and that you still have a bizillion Arty running around, then I bow to you.
      Well, my objective is to win. But by the late era's I already know if Im going to win and Im just going through the motions to offical register my score on the list (to compare to my other games). Early on I love micro managing workers and population but later I have so many I auto all my workers and pop control. Eventually my empire gets so big while conquering I stop caring what the new cities are building after temple/cath.

      I kinda wandered off topic but the point is the end game gets messy and for me a big part of it is all the artillery.

      Ghengis Thom


      • #18
        I don't understand about the complain in this thread! In my last game, after the war, I have to disband 281 artilleries, 120 cavalries, 79 infantries, 13 tanks (I have a total of 25 tanks), .... Basically, I kept exactly 12 tanks (which I upgraded to modern armor a couple centuries later) to protect my empire and disband all of my units to build the mass transit in every cities of size 14 or above.


        • #19
          I have never had more than 20-30 arties, nor 120 of anything. It must be a bugger to manage them all.


          • #20
            The secret to not having so bloody many units or cities is



            • #21
              Originally posted by Moonsinger
              I don't understand about the complain in this thread! In my last game, after the war, I have to disband 281 artilleries, 120 cavalries, 79 infantries, 13 tanks (I have a total of 25 tanks), .... Basically, I kept exactly 12 tanks (which I upgraded to modern armor a couple centuries later) to protect my empire and disband all of my units to build the mass transit in every cities of size 14 or above.
              12 tanks is a pretty small force for that time. Didn't the AI try to bully you aorund after the mass disbanding?
              Rhett Monroe Chassereau

              "I use to be with it, then they changed what it is. And what I'm with isn't it, and what is it seems strange and scary to me." -Abe Simpson

