i had read a lot about civs surviving with settlers on boats, but finally started seeing it after istalling 1.29.
i am the russkies, charging toward a science victory. of course the babs gank me early, swarming down on my peaceful empire with hordes of cheap-ass bowmen. My tech comes through as i manage to desperately hold them (and their little lust buddies the persians) with my swordsmen, archers, horsemen while i build up a thundering horde of knights before anyone else has access. finally after irritatingly unlikely early combat results, i wipe them out, gaining some great cities and tying up my northern flank nicely in the process. at this point the civ world is going up in anarchic bloody flames, with the backstabbing iroqois hitting me from a right of passage!
well, this happened early middle ages (for me), and i notice old hammy is still out there, but no cities. over the next 30-40 turns i run into him here and there - at the sige of some persian city with a couple of bowmen, scooting around in galleys, lurking in sme jungle near the action. finally i build abunch of explorars to keep an eye on the world and manage to get a ring side seat to the end of the once mightty germans, besieged in berlin by english, chinese and americans - and 1 little babylonian bowman....for 3 turns german pikemen hold out valiently against waves of riders, swordsmen, knights and rabble when finally, reduced to their last spearmen at 1 hit point after all the big boys have exhauste themselves, that one little bab bowmen steps up and whacks him, capturing the still large, well developped berlin. hammy finds a home!
despite my hatred for them i had to admire the chutzpah and persistence and promptly wired some cash and tech and resources - to which the idiots remained furious
, and watched them eke out a living some 10 turns further til the americans decided enough was enough and put 'em out of their misery.
just thought it was cool.
i am the russkies, charging toward a science victory. of course the babs gank me early, swarming down on my peaceful empire with hordes of cheap-ass bowmen. My tech comes through as i manage to desperately hold them (and their little lust buddies the persians) with my swordsmen, archers, horsemen while i build up a thundering horde of knights before anyone else has access. finally after irritatingly unlikely early combat results, i wipe them out, gaining some great cities and tying up my northern flank nicely in the process. at this point the civ world is going up in anarchic bloody flames, with the backstabbing iroqois hitting me from a right of passage!
well, this happened early middle ages (for me), and i notice old hammy is still out there, but no cities. over the next 30-40 turns i run into him here and there - at the sige of some persian city with a couple of bowmen, scooting around in galleys, lurking in sme jungle near the action. finally i build abunch of explorars to keep an eye on the world and manage to get a ring side seat to the end of the once mightty germans, besieged in berlin by english, chinese and americans - and 1 little babylonian bowman....for 3 turns german pikemen hold out valiently against waves of riders, swordsmen, knights and rabble when finally, reduced to their last spearmen at 1 hit point after all the big boys have exhauste themselves, that one little bab bowmen steps up and whacks him, capturing the still large, well developped berlin. hammy finds a home!
despite my hatred for them i had to admire the chutzpah and persistence and promptly wired some cash and tech and resources - to which the idiots remained furious

just thought it was cool.