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AI to AI relationship?

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  • AI to AI relationship?

    How do I find out how the French feels about the Romans, which are both AI civs?

    Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at

  • #2
    Offer one of them an alliance against the other and see what it'll cost you (although this also reflects on how they feel about you).
    Seemingly Benign
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    • #3
      well... if theyve ever had a war, you can make a safe bet they are furious

      if they havent, check to see if they have any trade going back and forth. if they do, they probably are on decent terms
      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • #4
        This really sucks, because in Ctp you can see ai to ai relationship right on the table.

        Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


        • #5
          Well what if their relationship is false?

          Germany and Russia were buddy buddy untill Germany turned against Russia in WW2. That was a surprise to everyone, and revelead TRUE intentions, not just what was on the table.
          Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


          • #6
            Actually Ninot i'm pretty sure that Germany always wanted Russian land. It was always Hitler's intention to go after Russia as Lebansraum (spelling?) it just didn't suit him for a war at the moment. Stalin i think just wanted time but i'm not sure bout him.

            Neway in the game there wouldn't be false relationships and it is a pity there is no way to see how they feel about each other. it would be so handy in negotiating for embargos and alliances.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Flip McWho
              Actually Ninot i'm pretty sure that Germany always wanted Russian land. It was always Hitler's intention to go after Russia as Lebansraum (spelling?) it just didn't suit him for a war at the moment. Stalin i think just wanted time but i'm not sure bout him.
              That was the point he was making. Both sides didn't like or trust each other, but they both kept up the appearances of being pals until Hitler double crossed Russia. After that, there was no more need for pretext.


              • #8
                oh right. stupid of me for missing that.


                • #9
                  Guys i can't resist, (i did my thesis on Babarossa)

                  Right up until the the actual border incursions by the main wehrmacht force, Stalin was still sending Hitler grain and raw steel under the Rapallo Treaty of 1922 and the Germano-Soviet pact of 1939,
                  In fact a train carrying grain bound for germany was the first 'soviet unit' captured as it crossed the border.

                  Stalin was informed of the build up along his borders a full week before the invasion and actually had officers arrested for 'scaremongering'. Even after the invasion had begun it was a full day (insome places even 2) before soviet forces were actually given permission to fight back! A commander of a frontline fortress (i forget which) was actually arrested and shot on the spot for counter attacking with out orders. This show's us how badly Stalin wanted to avoid conflict so much so he refused to believe russia was being invaded and refused to retaliate or even hold key border positions for fear of sparking an incident with Germany!.

                  The city of Leningrad was taken at such speed panzers were rumbling past trams filled with russian passengers on their way to work!

                  Life imitating Civ?

                  Learn a lesson all Civer's!! don't trade anything with the AI you don't want him to use on you!
                  If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected - SunTzu


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lucarse
                    Guys i can't resist, (i did my thesis on Babarossa)

                    Right up until the the actual border incursions by the main wehrmacht force, Stalin was still sending Hitler grain and raw steel under the Rapallo Treaty of 1922 and the Germano-Soviet pact of 1939,
                    In fact a train carrying grain bound for germany was the first 'soviet unit' captured as it crossed the border.

                    Stalin was informed of the build up along his borders a full week before the invasion and actually had officers arrested for 'scaremongering'. Even after the invasion had begun it was a full day (insome places even 2) before soviet forces were actually given permission to fight back! A commander of a frontline fortress (i forget which) was actually arrested and shot on the spot for counter attacking with out orders. This show's us how badly Stalin wanted to avoid conflict so much so he refused to believe russia was being invaded and refused to retaliate or even hold key border positions for fear of sparking an incident with Germany!.

                    The city of Leningrad was taken at such speed panzers were rumbling past trams filled with russian passengers on their way to work!
                    Thanks for that info, I wasn't to sure about the Soviet attitude at the time. Kind of surprising really, considering that one of the platforms of National Socialism was that Communism was evil. You'd think Stalin would have clued into that.

                    Mind you at the time the Soviet industrial infrastucture was so far behind the rest of Europe that he probably felt he didn't stand much of a chance. He must have felt quite gratified as his tanks rolled in to Berlin.


                    • #11
                      Wow some people don't read the manual or i don't understand what the question is asking

                      but to see relations between the AI whe you do is in the Foreign advisor's screen (i think) or wherever you can tell whos at peace/war, who you have mutual protection pact with etc. you just go over the civ hold shift and click on the civ leader head then there will be a colored circle around them then do that with everyone and you will see the interation of everyone

