I've always wanted a listing of the various civ's reputations, ala CivII.
I think there is one thing you left out of your excellent post, Catt:
Razing cities hurts that civ's attitude toward you in a BIG way. I noticed this not to long ago. I often raze cities (usually ancient era auto-raze), but once or twice I've fought wars w/o any razing, just city capture and then peace. After those wars, the enemy will after drop back to "annoyed" and can be worked up to a better attitude. Civs whose cities you have razed, on the other hand, seem to hate you forever.
I also believe that abandoning captured cities counts just like razing. I remember (several months and patches ago) a chinese city that flipped to me, that I wished to move 2 tiles over. It was a size 2, so I figured "no problemo, buy a settler" which I did, disbanding the city. The Chinese dropped from "polite" to "furious" that turn.
I think there is one thing you left out of your excellent post, Catt:
Razing cities hurts that civ's attitude toward you in a BIG way. I noticed this not to long ago. I often raze cities (usually ancient era auto-raze), but once or twice I've fought wars w/o any razing, just city capture and then peace. After those wars, the enemy will after drop back to "annoyed" and can be worked up to a better attitude. Civs whose cities you have razed, on the other hand, seem to hate you forever.
I also believe that abandoning captured cities counts just like razing. I remember (several months and patches ago) a chinese city that flipped to me, that I wished to move 2 tiles over. It was a size 2, so I figured "no problemo, buy a settler" which I did, disbanding the city. The Chinese dropped from "polite" to "furious" that turn.