Originally posted by DRoseDARs
That's just how I've always done it since the original Civilization. Discover a new tech, next turn complete ToE and get two more. This ensures without a doubt that I do not get screwed out my science beakers by the ToE completing at nearly the same time as a tech, except for a very small few between the now-researched new tech and a completed ToE on the next turn. It's a minimal loss I'm always willing to take. As far as having the money...by the time I'm to ToE, money is not a great concern 'cause I try not to rush build anything unless ABSOLUTELY neccessary, like completing a defensive unit prior to the arrival of an enemy at the city gates.
That's just how I've always done it since the original Civilization. Discover a new tech, next turn complete ToE and get two more. This ensures without a doubt that I do not get screwed out my science beakers by the ToE completing at nearly the same time as a tech, except for a very small few between the now-researched new tech and a completed ToE on the next turn. It's a minimal loss I'm always willing to take. As far as having the money...by the time I'm to ToE, money is not a great concern 'cause I try not to rush build anything unless ABSOLUTELY neccessary, like completing a defensive unit prior to the arrival of an enemy at the city gates.
true, but you could put that extra money into good use, such as a few rush building jobs.
Is it me, or does the ToE always gives me the tech I'm researching for free, then the next one I pick?