This is the thread to post your civ3 screens
steps to have your screenshot posted here and included in the new Civ3 Screenshots Directory
1) Post your up to 600-pixels wide screenshot here as an attachement in a reply
2) Post a 200-pixels wide thumbnail of your screenshot in a second post
3) Go to the Civ3 Screenshots Directory, then to the appropriate category and click on "ADD LINK" menu choice
4) Put the url of the first attachement in the "Full-size Image" field and the url of the second attachment in the "Thumbnail Image" field. Complete also the "Title" and "Description" fields as you wish
share you screens!
steps to have your screenshot posted here and included in the new Civ3 Screenshots Directory
1) Post your up to 600-pixels wide screenshot here as an attachement in a reply
2) Post a 200-pixels wide thumbnail of your screenshot in a second post
3) Go to the Civ3 Screenshots Directory, then to the appropriate category and click on "ADD LINK" menu choice
4) Put the url of the first attachement in the "Full-size Image" field and the url of the second attachment in the "Thumbnail Image" field. Complete also the "Title" and "Description" fields as you wish
share you screens!
