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The Sinking of the Kursk and other disasters...

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  • The Sinking of the Kursk and other disasters...

    How about we have man-made disasters?

    I suspect most of them would come in the modern age, but here are a couple.

    ~The Texas City Disaster: Based upon a big ol explosion in Texas City in 1947. If you have a oil refinery in your city with more than 15% corruption, you run a risk of a refinery exploding, destroy several improvements and creating pollution.

    ~Chernobyl: Pretty uch shelf explanitory. If you have a nuclear plant, you will always run a 10% risk of a nuclear explosion, not unlike a nuclear strike.

    ~ The sinking of the Kursk : With the advent of nuclear power, you can choose whether or not to use reactors to power your ships as they are built. If there is a disaster, like the lost of a ship, the are will become contaiminated. If a foriegn submarine is within 4 squares, your advisors will immediatly tell you that foul play is suspected.

    ~Dam Bursts: If a hydropower dam burst in your city, all tile improvements are destroyed.

    Just some ideas...

    "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you"

    "Soylant Green is people. PPPeeeoooppllleee!"
    Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.

  • #2
    Maybe Civ3 could have some random events that result in the loss of a unit or a improvement (terrain or city)... hmm an interesting concept you have there.
    *grumbles about work*


    • #3
      I think disasters deserve some space in Civ3.
      I know, many don't like random events, but disasters influenced history too much to ignore them.
      The man-made disasters you mention are one form of disasters, but the lack of famine, earthquakes and epidemics really drives me crazy. Tiles produce every turn the same amount of food, are there no locusts "eating" tile improvements, are there no droughts?
      Earthquakes and tidalwaves could cost 1 population in random cities sometimes or destroy improvements. Disasters could have an "epicentre" and then "move" along roads to represent how much trade does to speed up an epidemic.


      • #4
        wernazuma I have a better Idea about droughts . if tiles with irrigation or farms aren't beeing used for a while the improvements disappear. but the tiles should not be destroyed if they're being worked on .
        anyway , how about making a dam a tile improvement.

        About the "Kursk" :

        after a revolution the country enters a state of anarchy . this is the state of Russia right now , not democracy , but anarchy . production is lost to corruption , and because of this , the unit is .... disbanded ? well if it is possible to call it that way... You c what I mean ?

        "Murmansk can't support Nuc. Sub (Veteran):Unit Disbanded"

        We don't prohibit smoking . We discourage inhaling .


        • #5
          I like the idea of random events, but at the same time I did not like the ones in Birth of the federation because they were so poerful that they culd wipe you out and computer players, it was simple like it was a mater of time time the game itself killed every one leaving a winner so I turned them off, but if not to powerful they are a good thing.

          I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow
          I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.

