Maybe we could redefine 'world domination' Remember, even with the Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians, Greeks, etc, they never actually conquered the whole world, but what they did do was be able to grab a large chunk of land and hold it against all comers for a period of time. So maybe, as a benefit to doing similar, you get a flat 'world empire' bonus, so that when the game ends, this would added to your score. Say, you civ becomes a 'world empire'(200 pts.), with maybe a 5 pt bonus per turn. Maybe to a maximum of 30 turns. But if you 'world empire' lasts into another era, you start collecting points again for duration.
So..for example(arbitrary numbers here)
'World Empire' 200 pts
Flat bonus, once your civ attains this level, you get 200 pts.
For different eras, you get different amount of points for holding onto your civ.
Ancient Era
1 pt per turn
Iron Age
5 pts per turn
15 pts per turn
Or something like that..
So..for example(arbitrary numbers here)
'World Empire' 200 pts
Flat bonus, once your civ attains this level, you get 200 pts.
For different eras, you get different amount of points for holding onto your civ.
Ancient Era
1 pt per turn
Iron Age
5 pts per turn
15 pts per turn
Or something like that..