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  • Governments

    This is the list of governments that I think should be in Civ III:

    From the most Ancient to Modern.


    Same rules.


    Same rules.

    Constitutional Monarchy

    Military: 5 troops can institute martial law; 1 makes 1 citizen content

    Corruption & Waste: Corruption and waste are a problem but not as bad as a Monarchy. The distance from capital rule is used.

    Resource Support: Can support 2 units no cost for each city. Each after that is 1 shield per turn. Settlers are 2 food per turn.

    Special Conditions: Maximum tax, science, luxury setting 70. You have a Parliament that can influence your decision to go to war 30% of the time. (I think a Government like this is good for a novice Civ III player to get to know the more freedom giving governments because the first time I went from Monarchy to Republic I was blown away.)


    Same rules.

    "Uncorrupted" Communism

    Same as Civ II Communism except there can only be 1 trade route to a city. same in Corrupted communism.

    "Corrupted" Communism

    (This happens if you are a communist for over ?75? turns)

    Attitude: up to 2 troops can enforce martial law. 2 makes 1 unhappy person content.

    Corruption and waste: Corruption equal to Monarchy. No waste.

    Resource Support: Each non-missle unit is free up to the 2 unit. Missles are free.

    Special Conditions: All spy units are veteran. Nuclear Missle cost is halved. Max rate for tax, lux, and sci is 60. If you build nukes and then change governments than all nukes that were half cost lose 50% percent of there movement rate and they continue to decay until they can only be dropped from an airplane. (They turn into a atom bomb) The decay rate is one movement point per 2 turns.


    Someone make a sugestion please! This government is very unfair.



    I made two Communism governments because I believe that a Communist government can never stay pure for a long period of time. In the corrupted government I made nukes half price because even until the 1980's the USSR always seemed to be able to make more and more missles even though their economy was squashed.

    Tell me what you think.

    "Adorare Christantine!!!"
    Republican Decree #1
    "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
    "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
    "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me

  • #2
    I guess fundamentalism should be separated from theocracy .

    and we need that bad guy of the neighbourhood- the fascist !

    so I guess this is my idea :

    fundamentalism :

    reduced terror penalties
    instead of 3 unhappy heads just 1 !
    science halved AND max SCIENCE rate is
    40% .
    only 1 unit institutes martial law . it pleases 1 "head".

    theocracy :

    no support needed for "happy" buildings
    ( not including the coloseum )

    crusaders demand no support (?!) , if they'll
    hi corruption , like in despotism .

    fascism :

    OK ... so we need high science . pretty much no money ( max TAX rate - 10% ) high production . goverment collapses if capital is captured .
    I wont add any ethnical cleansing coz it's fascism , not nazism which have this effect as one of the major differences .
    no unit-outta-town-unhappiness crap.

    did this do the trick?


    Prepare to Land !


    • #3
      Thanks Dalgetti. I didn't mention Fasciasm because the patch didn't work on my computer. What do you mean about 3 unhappy heads unstead of 1 for the Fundy gov?

      "Adorare Christantine!!!"
      Republican Decree #1
      [This message has been edited by Christantine The Great (edited July 18, 2000).]
      "I agree with everything i've heard you recently say-I hereby applaud Christantine The Great's rapid succession of good calls."-isaac brock
      "This has to be one of the most impressive accomplishments in the history of Apolyton, well done Chris"-monkspider (Refering to my Megamix summary)
      "You are redoing history by replaying the civs that made history."-Me


      • #4
        ... of course, scenario-makers have to be able to change the penalties and bonuses of different governments, and of course also add their own governments or ban using certain governments and change government names and everything...
        This is Shireroth, and Giant Squid will brutally murder me if I ever remove this link from my signature | In the end it won't be love that saves us, it will be mathematics | So many people have this concept of God the Avenger. I see God as the ultimate sense of humor -- SlowwHand


        • #5
          Well I don't think that a Communist government should ever become corrupted. As I just wrote in another post it's the leaders of the government that push it in the corrupt direction or the good direction. If a Communist Government can become corrupted so should a Monarchy (expecally!!), Republic (should become weak and ineffectual), Democracy should also break down (because of lying, propaganda against others and a gap between rich and poor which should cause civil wars.).

          You also left out a Dictatorship. Athough I feel this is very close to fascism and fundamentalism. And there should not be such strict restrictions on science, tax, or lux. toward a Communsit government. The current rate of 80% is fine. Remember the Communists put the first satilitte into orbit.

          Anyway more stepping on toes.

          "I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
          "If the great Emperors of Rome, Egypt and Greece were alive today, do you think they would prefer Coke or Pepsi?"
          I AM CANADIAN!
          Gamecatcher: Multiplayer Civ 2 Democracy Game
          CornEmpire Owner/Operator
          Grand Minister: Dominion of the Balance & CornEmpire Software


          • #6
            Make commieism an economic SE.

            King Par4!!

            There is no spoon
            -The Matrix
            Let's kick it up a notch!!
            -Emeril Lagasse
            Fresh Soy makes Tofu so silky
            -Ming Tsai


            • #7
              There should be some form of oligarchy, not constitutional monarchy (I assume this refers to the 18th century British style government, rather than the modern style). Oligagchy should have:
              Same martial law as monarchy
              10% bonus on trade routes or +5% tax or something similar.
              Could change to democracy without revolution
              80% maximum tax
              Senate like 'comercial\landed interests' who may also force you out of alliances and into wars.

              I think they left a big gap, lumping this in with republic in the original game.


              • #8
                Not that I endorse any of the following but here are other, later governments to round out the spectrum. These are only ideas, so feel free to add details.

                "Atlas Shrugged" Lassez-Faire capitalism:

                High tax creation, high productivity, corruption???, lots of unhappy citizens, very elitist...

                "1984" communism:

                Possibly a continuation of communism, but just the opposite of "corrupted" communism. High tax, extreme science penalty, low productivity, nukes like crazy, ignores all sanctions/diplomatic penalties

                Another point- Democracy should actually have elections every 2/4/6/8/whatever years. You could know whether the 'hawks' or 'doves' are in power. If the war was very unpopular, 'doves' would take over for a long time. If someone 'Pearl Harbors' you, then the 'hawks' will make sure that the enemy is spanked.

                BTW: do you like my school's summer reading list ;-) :-) :-) ;-)


                • #9
                  Damn, why aren't those smilies working. No, I didn't disable smilies. HELP!!!!


                  • #10
                    Don't use the -

                    = : ) no space
                    = ; ) no space

                    Use el legend de smilious

                    King Par4!!

                    There is no spoon
                    -The Matrix
                    Let's kick it up a notch!!
                    -Emeril Lagasse
                    Fresh Soy makes Tofu so silky
                    -Ming Tsai


                    • #11

                      In the corrupted government I made nukes half price because even until the 1980's the USSR always seemed to be able to make more and more missles even though their economy was squashed.

                      Krushkhev: "We make missles like sausages!"

                      ...when he said that, sausages were rare...
                      Das Wasser soll dein Spiegel sein
                      Erst wenn es glatt ist, wirst du sehen
                      Wieviel Märchen dir noch bleibt
                      und um Erlösung wirst du flehen.

                      The water shall be your mirror
                      Only when it's smooth you will see
                      How much fairy-tale is left for you
                      And you will beg for deliverance.

                      'Alter Mann', RAMMSTEIN.


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by phunny pharmer on 07-19-2000 05:12 PM
                        Possibly a continuation of communism, but just the opposite of "corrupted" communism. High tax, extreme science penalty, low productivity, nukes like crazy, ignores all sanctions/diplomatic penalties

                        Another point- Democracy should actually have elections every 2/4/6/8/whatever years.

                        Why should only Communist get a bonus in nukes??? And get such a high penalties on science and production??? The Communists in Russia had excellent production before the depression and after WWII. They also put the first satalitte into space, and the first man. It's convenient how people tend to only think of the bad things about Communism.

                        And if I'm correct the USA (Democracy, kept people happy through propaganda) had a lot of nukes as well if not more. The leaders of the country are what makes the country good, or bad. Communism is a utopian society so why should it have a bonus from producing nukes?? If you use Communism in the Civ 3 it will have to be similar to it's form in Civ 2 or it won't be realistic.

                        Added: Oh yeah I forgot I like the part about elections every few years, but how could you do this in the game?? If some options were automated and controlled by the AI, then depending on who gets elected the AI would control it's part differently. This would be a nice touch.

                        "I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
                        "If the great Emperors of Rome, Egypt and Greece were alive today, do you think they would prefer Coke or Pepsi?"
                        [This message has been edited by CornMaster (edited July 20, 2000).]
                        I AM CANADIAN!
                        Gamecatcher: Multiplayer Civ 2 Democracy Game
                        CornEmpire Owner/Operator
                        Grand Minister: Dominion of the Balance & CornEmpire Software


                        • #13
                          Communism :
                          I think the great difference should be made by the courthouse which will represent the control of the goverment . the support costs of it will be huge ,though .... like .... 25 gold ?

                          take a look .

                          without courthouse :
                          corruption and waste as in monarchy
                          trade as in monarchy
                          food as in monarchy
                          science as in monarchy
                          support units as in despotism

                          maybe some goverment types should be changed by I dont see any substition in the current system


                          Prepare to Land !


                          • #14
                            I think the best government system is the modular ones found in SMAC. Expanded, it would provide a useful government generation engine for Civilization III. While we can point at governments from history and say this one worked and that didn't, but when you're instituting it you have no idea of the outcome. After all, did Karl Marx know what would become of his Communust Manifesto?

                            Aditionally, your choice of government should be subject to "corruption", that is changed without your intervention. This may or may not be helpful. Just think of it as popular opinion.
                            *grumbles about work*


                            • #15
                              [double post]
                              [This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited July 21, 2000).]
                              *grumbles about work*

