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More on Civs... More Specifity

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  • #31
    All this talk of various religions is forgetting one thing. Yes religion used to be very important, but from the reformation onwards nations became more and more secular. This would solve the problem of communism, if not the 'cult of personality'.
    Also, unlike gradual religious change, secularism can be encouraged from the top. Historically the state forces religion off the agenda. If religions have various bonus, how about a loyalty bonus for secular nations?


    • #32
      Personally, I woudn't like to religion in the game. This is what I said before:

      Here we go again... I don't think that any names of religion should be mentioned in the game at all. It just doesn't seem neccessary to me. The game should be mainly civ vs civ not religion vs religion. If you want to do religion vs religion this should be done through gov types, eg fundamentalism.

      And I also agree with these quotes:


      I like the ideas in this thread, but i just can't see Firaxis touching this idea with a 10-foot pole - it is too potentially controversial.


      I must say, religion is a touchy subject to some users. Since Firaxis wants to cater to the greatest number of buyers, they probably will not deliberately add a game element that could alienate gamers.

      And I think the issue of religion is different to slavery 'cause many more people are religious than there are people concerned about slavery.
      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


      • #33
        There are really untuchable things, anymore?

        Christian Catholic Church Pope admitted this year that his religion makes mistakes in the past, procuring severe harm to other people.

        I'm sure that if Firaxis will keep things so that there isn't a preset "bad" religion versus "good" religion, any complain will be really limited and easy to counteract.

        Of course my vision of the world can be limited to Italian culture: I know there are some different ideas out there. Creation vs. Evolution isn't really a hot debate here today, when I saw at Dino forum lot of flames about it.

        So, I still think that religion has been an important facet of world history to let it out, just limiting it to some research, city improvement and a "fundamentalist" goverment choice.
        Of course it will have a role in the game if it will be part of a CIVilian agenda or something like that.

        Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
        "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
        - Admiral Naismith

