I recently read this on Gamespot's website in a preview report for Play the World...They are talking about the command buttons....Currently Civ3 has these interface abilities...do they know what they are talking about?
This is the excerpt in question from Gamespot's website (talking about Play the World):
"Previously, the common orders for all units, such as disband and go to, were displayed at the bottom of your screen, but orders unique to a unit, such as build a city for settlers or the various functions of the worker, weren't. You had to press the hotkey to access those tasks. This isn't too much of a problem for Civ veterans, but it didn't take into account new players who would have to fumble for their manuals to find the hotkeys each time they wanted to irrigate a square or build a mine. Now, all these special commands are displayed as buttons above the common suite of options. For workers, the orders displayed fluctuate depending on the terrain they are standing on. If a worker is on a mountain, he gets the build mine button, but not the irrigate button, and when he steps onto a plains square, the build mine button goes away to be replaced by an irrigate button. The hotkeys still work, but at least now all the orders are displayed for easy mouse access and as a guide for those who don't know the hotkeys. Even better, when you mouse over a command, you are now told how long a task will take, such as how many turns it will take your worker to clear a forest or build a road over a mountain."
the whole article is here: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories...878756,00.html
This is all currently in Civ3.
This is the excerpt in question from Gamespot's website (talking about Play the World):
"Previously, the common orders for all units, such as disband and go to, were displayed at the bottom of your screen, but orders unique to a unit, such as build a city for settlers or the various functions of the worker, weren't. You had to press the hotkey to access those tasks. This isn't too much of a problem for Civ veterans, but it didn't take into account new players who would have to fumble for their manuals to find the hotkeys each time they wanted to irrigate a square or build a mine. Now, all these special commands are displayed as buttons above the common suite of options. For workers, the orders displayed fluctuate depending on the terrain they are standing on. If a worker is on a mountain, he gets the build mine button, but not the irrigate button, and when he steps onto a plains square, the build mine button goes away to be replaced by an irrigate button. The hotkeys still work, but at least now all the orders are displayed for easy mouse access and as a guide for those who don't know the hotkeys. Even better, when you mouse over a command, you are now told how long a task will take, such as how many turns it will take your worker to clear a forest or build a road over a mountain."
the whole article is here: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories...878756,00.html
This is all currently in Civ3.
