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Religions as AI-controlled powers

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  • Religions as AI-controlled powers

    Okay, maybe someone's suggested this, but I'll suggest it again.

    Let the AI control individual religions.

    Who here has played "Macchiavell: The Prince"? In it, you were a noble of Venice and gained power through various means. The Pope was a part of the artificial intelligence at first, as were your competitors. He could do what he damn well pleased, being the Pope and all. But, if you bribed enough cardinals and played your cards right, you could become the Pope yourself.

    Now, let's move this to a world model with a number of religions. Religions in Civilization III could be independent entities that occasionally crop up with a little "prophet" message. Tensions could build between different religious groups, including, if you gain enough power, your own state religion.

    To illustrate what I mean without boring you all to death, I'll write out the religious timeline of one civilization: (items with asterisks are intended to be variables)


    4000 BCE Chief Petty, you have led your civilization, the Heartbreakers, to greatness. Your small, nomadic tribe has traditionally worshipped *the sun* under the religion *Solaria*, but only the shamen of your people have any control over their worship. You have knowledge of irrigation, mining, the cuisinart, and roads.

    4000 BCE Heartbreaker settlers have founded the city of Full Moon Fever!

    3600 BCE Heartbreaker settlers have founded the city of Pettysburg!

    1000 BCE Chief Petty, your wise men have discovered Monarchy.

    1000 BCE REVOLUTION! The Heartbreakers really aren't that bad!

    900 BCE Owing to the changing lifestyle of the Heartbreaker civilization, many *Solarians* have adopted the more relaxed *Reform Solaria* religion.

    500 BCE The Beegee civilization has been conquered by the Heartbreakers.

    400 BCE Solarian Temple built in Beegee City. Local worshippers of *Freddie* of the *Freddite* religion are displeased. (Note: Solaria still isn't controlled by the player.)

    380 BCE Citizens in the cities of Pettysburg and Free Fall convert to the foreign religion of Freddaism.

    360 BCE Immigrants from Pettysburg arrive in Beegee City.

    360 BCE Citizens in Beegee City convert to Solaria.

    320 BCE Citizens in Full Moon Fever convert to Freddaism.

    90 CE Rumors abound of a prophet *Patricia* in the northern provinces!

    100 CE The prophet *Patricia* in the northern provinces converts citizens in Backdown and Zombie Zoo to *Alvianity*.

    100 CE (Player looks up Alvianity in Civilopedia, finds it's a warrior religion centered around the worship of Alvie and his children Juan and Cynthia. "Huh," says the player, and keeps playing.)

    (Skip some time. Solaria and Alvianity are at about equal balance, Freddaism has shrunk somewhat. Player has switched to a Constitutional Monarchy and made Solaria the state religion. Through some means or another, the main city of Solaria happens to be your capital, so church and state are closely tied. However, you do not have control over the expansion of the religion.)

    800 CE Religious dissidents of *Alvianity* in the city of Freefall tear the *sun* symbol from the *Solarian* temple!

    850 CE The entirety of Pettsyburg has converted to *Freddaism*.

    860 CE *Alvians* in northern provinces rise up in arms against the "oppressive *Solarian* system!" (i.e. some population of a few northern cities become fanatical military units that band together and start attacking your cities)

    So, that's a general look at some religious events as I picture them. The Alvians are a warrior-oriented religion; perhaps pacifists would simply disrupt production through non-violent protest. Under a fundamentalist government or if you had really strong influence with the religion, perhaps you could call a crusade. And what about diplomacy with Il Papa? A little contribution to the Oracle? Maybe some money to Freddaian coffers would hold sway?

    Consider and speak your peace.

    -Eric "Does this mean I have no life?" Schluessel

  • #2
    I think what you said is a pretty good idea but could lead to problems. As long as real religions aren't used you will avoid one problem but the other comes with management of such a system.

    If you have uprisings of religions that aren't tied to another civilization and are AI controlled and they capture some of your cities, what then??? Are they still your cities controlled by the AI religion??? Or do you lose total control, and have to recapture the city??? Or do they convert that city and the city begins attacking you??? There are soooo many questions I need answered.

    My view is that religions should be left out of Civ 3 totally. We don't need a perfectly historical model for everything. But your post is intriguing and it could make the game more interesting.

    "I'm too out of shape for a long fight so I'll have to kill you fast"
    "If the great Emperors of Rome, Egypt and Greece were alive today, do you think they would prefer Coke or Pepsi?"
    Gamecatcher: Multiplayer Civ 2 Democracy Game
    CornEmpire Owner/Operator
    Grand Minister: Dominion of the Balance & CornEmpire Software


    • #3
      There was a whole thread about religions, almost exactly as you wanted them, in The List.
      "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
      "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world

