At my college there's a club called "The Omega Worlds Project", which houses a bunch of groups that create computer games. The main point of the club is to teach people about game programming, and another important (upperclassmen) focus is the invention of an advanced AI.
anyway, i digress. The president of the club said all members would have the ability to propose a game to work on in groups. He gave us some guidelines (2d engine, etc) and we all went home.
I immediately thought of a TBS game (i've had the idea for a while), and i just thought of a radical idea that i probably wont impliment because it's just crazy. I thought I'd share it with you for a laugh or something. hell, some of you might find it interesting.
Anyway, I' was writing about the concept of migration of people in my game when i thought, "hey, what if you couldnt build settlers, what if the people just migrated out of your city borders and when they reached far enough away a new city was created"?
it makes a bit more sense if you get to know the workings of my game (or the plans of them), i use "regions" rather than cities, but it is quite interesting to think of.
imagine it this way. a region is a city's cultural borders, the city inside is just an "industrial center". the population is not just in the "industrial center", but rather scatted thorughout every tile in the region. "industrial complexes" or "cities" would be areas of high population. anyway, at the beginning of each turn, the population can "migrate" (whether it be within it's own region, into another of your regions, into an ENEMY region, or into an EMPTY region, making it part of your own). When i thought of that last one i thought maybe the settler was obsolete. maybe the "expeditions" of the populus themselves would eventually become large enough to split the region in 2.
but then i realized how much fun that takes out of the game
. i take pride in my city placement. i use them for strategy, etc. the settler wont die.
cool idea though, eh?
anyway, i digress. The president of the club said all members would have the ability to propose a game to work on in groups. He gave us some guidelines (2d engine, etc) and we all went home.
I immediately thought of a TBS game (i've had the idea for a while), and i just thought of a radical idea that i probably wont impliment because it's just crazy. I thought I'd share it with you for a laugh or something. hell, some of you might find it interesting.
Anyway, I' was writing about the concept of migration of people in my game when i thought, "hey, what if you couldnt build settlers, what if the people just migrated out of your city borders and when they reached far enough away a new city was created"?
it makes a bit more sense if you get to know the workings of my game (or the plans of them), i use "regions" rather than cities, but it is quite interesting to think of.
imagine it this way. a region is a city's cultural borders, the city inside is just an "industrial center". the population is not just in the "industrial center", but rather scatted thorughout every tile in the region. "industrial complexes" or "cities" would be areas of high population. anyway, at the beginning of each turn, the population can "migrate" (whether it be within it's own region, into another of your regions, into an ENEMY region, or into an EMPTY region, making it part of your own). When i thought of that last one i thought maybe the settler was obsolete. maybe the "expeditions" of the populus themselves would eventually become large enough to split the region in 2.
but then i realized how much fun that takes out of the game

cool idea though, eh?