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about Hero

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  • about Hero

    i don't know how, but at a moment in the game, one of my elite's unit became a "Hero" called Kubilaï Kahn (i have the Chinese civ). Of course i know him : he was the successor of Genghis Kahn.
    As i don't know exactly what it was, and as i wax beaten i decided to load an anterior version.
    What a mistake !
    I was thinking (as it was my first game) that Hero was not so uncommon, and i was thinking too that if my unit became a Hero once he would become hero the next time too...
    And since this time, i have never managed to create a Hero again....
    Itis said in the manual that an unit become Hero when an Elite won e fight, and it is right, the unit who became a hero in my case was an elite ; but there is one thing that i don't understand : after this "episode" my same elite unite fight a lot of battles and he never lose ! So he is a Elite unit since XXX won battle and he is not yet becam e Hero unit : someone can help me to understand how a Hero can be created ?
    I think that it is a big part of the chance.

  • #2
    i think it's random. just bad luck.


    • #3
      Jordan: Any Elite unit winning a fight will have a change of generating a Great Leader(GL or 'hero'). You can only have one GL at a time but once you spend it(by making an army or finishing a project) there is a change for new ones to arrive. An elite unit can only generate a GL once.

      There are other threads here which discuss this subject in detail, take a look at them and be wise
      Don't eat the yellow snow.


      • #4
        it's ok, i have already created three new heroes with Egyptians : Ramses, Cheops, and the third i don't remmber the name


        • #5
          Ignore this reply, the correct answer appears 3 replies down

          A GL can only be created when a unit won an X amunt of battles in a short period of time, this is, a crude war.

          X is proporcional to the difficult level.
          Last edited by XarXo; September 4, 2002, 13:07.
          Signature: Optional signature you may use to appear at bottom of your posts


          • #6
            it's ok, i have already created three new heroes with Egyptians : Ramses, Cheops, and the third i don't remmber the name
            Khufu, to be folowed by: Mentuhotep, Seti and Na'rmer, unless you have altered the file.


            • #7
              Originally posted by XarXo
              A GL can only be created when a unit won an X amunt of battles in a short period of time, this is, a crude war.

              X is proporcional to the difficult level.
              I don;t believe so, although that's a good idea.
              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


              • #8
                Originally posted by XarXo
                A GL can only be created when a unit won an X amunt of battles in a short period of time, this is, a crude war.

                X is proporcional to the difficult level.
                No. That is completely wrong.

                Each elite unit that has not produced a leader has a one in sixteen chance of producing a leader in any battle. I saw someone claim it was one in 32 for defense but I have never seen anyone from Firaxis make that claim.

                Its one in twelve if you have built the Heroic Epic.

                All indications from Firaxis that I have seen is show that is ALL that is involved. One in sixteen or one in twelve and Elite units may only produce one GL each untill they are upgraded and then they must become Elite again before they can produce another.

                It doesn't matter if the unit is down to one hit.

                It doesn't matter if the unit wins more than one battle in a turn except that its then one in sixteen twice in one turn.

                It doesn't matter if the wind is blowing from the south, you attacking a city on a hill accross a river and the defending unit is equiped with a Depleted Uranium Anti-Tank Spear on Millard Filmore's Birthday either.

                With the 1.29f patch you are given ONE chance to change the name of any Elite unit that produces a GL and wether you change the name or not the unit will have an asterisk next to its name so you can tell that it cannot produce a GL anymore. If it can't be upgraded its and ideal unit to put in an army. Otherwise upgrade and see if you can get another leader. I have gotten two GLs from at least one unit so far since 1.29f by upgrading it after it produced the first one.


                • #9
                  I gotta say though, even if it has no actual relation to the formula the heroic fights in a turn that make GL's are so much fun to watch.

                  The only time I have had a GL from a defending unit, the infantry was bombarded down from full to 1 HP left after about a dozen bombards, then took on a vet. Cavalry, upgrading to elite(w/2 HP), then another vet cavalry charged in, then when the third one charged in I pulled my GL. Nice little story about defending a key resource city that was miles away from my empire.


                  • #10
                    Ethelred, I've both seen Firaxis state the defense odds (Mike B.), and I've gotten a number of GLs on defense (always a nice surprise).

                    But I have to take exception: Wind blowing from the south seems to have a positive effect.

                    Seriously, we need to put a definitive statement somewhere on 'poly, either in the faq, or topped in General or Strategy, as to the factors for GL generation.

                    (or, Firaxis has to let us in on the many arcane and devilish factors heretofore unknown... a 1:2 ratio of strength, on the last hp of the last defending unit in a city with at least one bonus tile, with at least one worker in city-radius, and assuming the attacker has lost three or more previous battles, and it's a Dell and not a Gateway, and you have no wish to play RoN, and, oh yeah, you know what the heck you're doing, and...)
                    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                    • #11
                      Flagging units that have generated a Gl is very useful. Thanks Fiaxis. GL's from defensive batle are not very common for me.


                      • #12
                        GLs from a defensive battle are nice unless the AI keeps attacking the stack and ends up killing the Great Leader.

                        GR sees a GL pop out from his riflemen!

                        Yes! Yesss! Here comes Hoover's in one turn! Yes!

                        Hey! Hey! Stop attacking!


                        Please stop!

                        Run damnit! Run!

                        Bloody hell.
                        If you're wondering why I'm not posting at CivFanatics, I received a 3 day ban on September 10th.


                        • #13
                          Is there a limit to teh number of GL's you can get in 1 game
                          Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                          Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                          • #14

                            AFAIK, there are only two limits:

                            1) Only one GL at any given time for a particular civ,

                            2) An individual unit (and it must be an elite unit) may only produce one GL ever (not "type of unit" mind you but unit itself).

                            I've heard that people have gotten 5+ GLs in only one turn but I've never gotten more than 10 in any particular game.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TheStinger
                              Is there a limit to teh number of GL's you can get in 1 game
                              If there was one it is over 55 as that is how many I got in my last game. My count may have been slightly off, but close. I saw two units with the same number, likely I skipped a number or two. Four in one turn was the most (3 on offense, 1 on def). One got killed.

