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Global Warming. It would be nice if...

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  • #76
    Nukes cooling down the world, eh?

    I wonder if when sea levels rise by 2 meters, then the USA or Russia thinks "Oh crap!" and decides to shoot like 10 nukes or more, then in 10 years, the world turns into an Ice Ball, like Pluto or Hoth (From Star Wars).

    Geniuses are ordinary people bestowed with the gift to see beyond common everyday perceptions.


    • #77
      Too bad this thread degenerated into polictics. One might consider that we do not have enough information to make a determination about Warming. Recorded history for weather systems is only a 100-200 years. That is nothing in terms the earth. Many warmings and coolings have occurred before modern men. It may or may not be happening at this time and we may or may not be able to impact it. We seem to jump on many fixes that blow up in are faces. Recall all of the "natural" defense that have been imported here to correct one thing or another and made things worse.

      Anyway back to Civ3, I would like to see the AI have some awareness of its pollution or at least make only it suffer. I can see pollution on tiles for years and no attempt to remove them and no reducers are built in the larger cities.

