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  • Alliance

    Ok, I have another addition to the diplomacy between Allied Civs. I don't know if it was discusses already but here goes...

    In Civ 1 and 2 you could take a city that originally belonged to an ally but was captured by a rival civ. Now in real life if you liberated that city and didn't give it back to the original owner - your ally, they would certainly break the alliance with you. Especially a city of importance (High population, Capital, etc.) So I propose a diplomatic addition to give cities to allies after their capture. For example - the WWII scenario. If you liberate Paris as the Allies you're going to want to give it back to the French. Maybe not right away, but when the war's over of course. Otherwise they're going to want to break the alliance with you or even declare war. Giving cities back to Allies should raise their opinion of you and make it extremely hard to cancel alliances after the hostilities are over (did anyone notice that cancelling alliances was a problem in Civ 2? After a war ended they always felt the need to end the Alliance) So what do you think?

    ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
    "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"

  • #2
    That's not a bad idea. Seems realistic. Relatively easy to implement. Adds detail without getting too complicated....

    Yeah, I think I like it.

    - MKL
    - mkl


    • #3
      I like this idea - maybe after liberating an allied town, the ally should call you up and subtly suggest all sort of consequences if you don't hand back the town. Conversely, the ally would also view you much more favourably if you do hand back the town.

      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


      • #4
        More diplomacy and less to gain from war is OK with me. I'm for it.
        -Ken Bregott
        Jack-of-all-trades, or if not all, then at least quite a few.


        • #5
          This is more or less a must. But the essential thing is, that there need to be some mechanisms in the game, that actually makes it less benefitial to keep such liberated cities, and possibly conquored cities generally, in modern times. These could be that your allies would like you less, but if nationalism is included there could be a far more powerful mechanism than that: Conquoring cities would make the chance of a civil war, which could spread across your civ higher. In stead I think that in modern times conquored civs/cities should be made into protectorates, with semiindependance, but still under your ascendancy. People in protectorates would be pretty unlikely to revolt against you.
          "It is not enough to be alive. Sunshine, freedom and a little flower you have got to have."
          - Hans Christian Andersen

          GGS Website


          • #6
            Better AI, the comp realizes you have one of its cities it should ask for it back. Popular support in your country should change and sway for or against keeping allied cities liberated by you. Especially if they are helping with the war they would want it back.

            I use this email
            (stupid cant use hotmail)
            Don't ask for golf tips
            Your game will get worse


            • #7
              I'd really like to see relationships with allies extended in a number of ways. For one, I agree on the protectorate idea. Many times if I were to relinquish control back to my allies, they'd quickly loose it again. I'd really like to be able to stack and defend along side my allies within their city. Often I have to surround every city square to keep the enemy from moving in.

              Airspace is another problem. There have been times I've tried to fly over a narrow channel and the number of ships my ally has makes it impossible. Sharing the space (either passing by or over a turn) should be possible. I think subs should have the ability too.

              Also I thought it would be interesting if my allies or even a peaceful neighbor were able to buy passage on one of my convoys and vise-versa. ...eventually using each other's airports as well.

              I'd like to see a loyalty factor added to the equation. Increases with positive interaction (trade, military, money loan, engineering improvement, etc.), decreases when you don't or over time. I think the role jealousy played in civ was a bit too persuasive too.
              [This message has been edited by agent4043 (edited June 05, 2000).]


              • #8

                Originally posted by agent4043 on 06-05-2000 07:41 PM
                I'd really like to be able to stack and defend along side my allies within their city. Often I have to surround every city square to keep the enemy from moving in.

                Exactly. You could also take advantage of City walls and SAM Missle Batteries...


                Originally posted by agent4043 on 06-05-2000 07:41 PM
                Airspace is another problem. There have been times I've tried to fly over a narrow channel and the number of ships my ally has makes it impossible. Sharing the space (either passing by or over a turn) should be possible. I think subs should have the ability too.

                Definitely. Well said agent. To add, in Civ 2 if there is a bomber and an infantry unit in the same square and you try to attack with a howitzer (or other land unit) you can't destroy it because you can't attack air units. Doesn't make sense, needs to be changed.


                Originally posted by agent4043 on 06-05-2000 07:41 PM
                Also I thought it would be interesting if my allies or even a peaceful neighbor were able to buy passage on one of my convoys and vise-versa. ...eventually using each other's airports as well.

                Why would they have to buy it? I just see it as free use of transport units by all Allies. That way, Allies can work cohesively for faster production! (Don't need seperate transports for seperate Allied Civs)


                Originally posted by agent4043 on 06-05-2000 07:41 PM
                I'd like to see a loyalty factor added to the equation. Increases with positive interaction (trade, military, money loan, engineering improvement, etc.), decreases when you don't or over time. I think the role jealousy played in civ was a bit too persuasive too.

                Hmm..a loyalty factor sounds good to me. Back to what I was saying about capturing an allied city...not returning it could drop your loyalty to zero. Maybe it could be harder to cancel alliances when the loyalty rating is very high? Cause why would any Civ want to cancel a military alliance just becuase there is peace? This was a problem in Civ 2.

                BTW: thanks to everyone for the support of the Allied city idea

                ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
                "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"


                • #9
                  I think it's a must that allies can stack a field together, use transporters and also use city buildings (airport for transports or PSI-doors in SMAC etc.) of allies. But I want to go one step further: in multiplayer games you can specify lifetime allies and also share benefits of wonders to share between allies. Per example (SMAC): if one member of ally builds the EmpathGuild so the other member(s) can also use it --> the secret services share their information. But can strong parties get much too strong because of this? Eventuelly there's the ability to specify whether a wonder is shareable or not or to set it in options ...


                  • #10
                    This should probably be in the WoW thread, but since you brought it up , there should be a way for Civs to share the cost of developing a wonder. Even if you can't share the effects, there are times when I want an ally to build a wonder just to keep it out of an enemy's hands. I could just give my ally cash to assist in the construction, but there is no way for me to get him to use the cash specifically for what I want him to.

                    Any thoughts?

                    "We are all greater artists than we realize."
                    [This message has been edited by Spekter@Home (edited June 08, 2000).]


                    • #11
                      Of course: if you can give your ally a caravan or supply crawler, so he can use it for building or (may be) a protype (SMAC) if he wants to make you angry ...
                      By the way: how about a ally that can`t be cancelled - multiplayer only, I think - as a prerequisite for sharing wonders ?


                      • #12
                        When you have captured a city that was your Ally's, you should also be able to hold it for some time until the front moves away or the war ends. This would be so that you can use production from that city to build necessary military units or improvements to help with the war effort.

                        Here's another thing to think about. What if you are attacking a foreign civilization with your Ally. Both of you attack the same city, but from opposite directions. How should the territory gained be split? Your Ally might have lost a lot of his troops while you suffered minimal damage, but you get the city more territory. Should Allies be able to demand that you split it up? And how? It needs to be split up equally, depending on how much each person has contributed to the war effort. (Can't really think of anything)

                        And yes, I agree that something has to be done about units blocking you. I remember in the WWII scenairo, Spain was blocking the Strait of Gibraltar. I just wanted to get my ships through, but couldn't do so because of this. Even civs that are at peace with you should let you through the spaces their units are on, just not on their land. I'm not sure about air space though, maybe a civ can demand it or something.

                        You should also be able to demand that your Ally leaves you territory, or a specific area.


                        • #13
                          I definitely like the idea for spending money for an allied wonder project. Example: Statue of Liberty (France). It would greatly improve your rating with that ally. I believe France and America have been allies from The American Revolution to present day. So it makes sense.

                          About dividing territory - I think this could get complicated, but I definitely like it. And if the alliance breaks things could get interesting . But it would be hard to implement in Civ, and ideas on how this could be done?

                          ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
                          "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by agent4043 on 06-05-2000 07:41 PM
                            Airspace is another problem. There have been times I've tried to fly over a narrow channel and the number of ships my ally has makes it impossible. Sharing the space (either passing by or over a turn) should be possible. I think subs should have the ability too.
                            [This message has been edited by agent4043 (edited June 05, 2000).]

                            This problem is not present in SMAC. Any unit can enter any space occupied by allies.
                            Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.


                            • #15
                              I think Civ 3 should have no fly zones and demilitirized zones as a stipulation to the end of a war. It could be something debated on by the UN. Examples of this: Rhineland after WWI (Hitler Violated it, no one did anything - result - Poland is taken by German forces. Gulf War - no fly zone in Iraq. Even though Saddam managed to get around it and fly his choppers up to shoot his own people.)

                              ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
                              "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"

