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Target release?

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  • Target release?

    Does anyone know when the target release for CIV III is?

  • #2
    I think no one knows when it's going to be released, but here's some bad news (rumour?):

    Civ3 in 2002 (it's only a small piece)?

    No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
    No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


    • #3
      After dinos, which will probably be released mid-next-year. So, my guess is early 2002, which means it's probably going to be released after the summer.

      Firaxis is a small company. They are not EA Sports, face it.
      -Ken Bregott
      Jack-of-all-trades, or if not all, then at least quite a few.


      • #4
        EARLY 2002?

        It better come out sooner than that! I'm hoping at the latest June 2001. Thats still a whole year! Seriously, they need to concentrate more on civ III than on dinosaurs. Otherwise I'll end up playing ctp II.

        Sure, dinos may be a great game, and I'll definitely get it. But like SMAC, which was also a great game, it will probably fall just short of a civ game, without that special element a civ game has.


        • #5
          Exactly! I mean, Civ3 is the well-known-brand and that's what's going to bring the money in for Firaxis, not an unknown Dino game. So concentrate on Civ3!

          No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
          No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


          • #6
            And then I'll have to wait for a Linux version (if they decide to port it in the first place) which will propably come out at least six months after the Windoze initial release. So make it late 2002, ealy 2003 for us who have escaped from Redmond.
            They better make a Win version that runs with WINE.


            • #7
              I'm all about that linux version too. woohoo! here's hoping...


              • #8
                Firaxis currently have two teams employed, one for Dino's and another one for Civ III. So the two games shouldn't have to interfere each other's schedule. Small companies do show a tendency for growth, they wouldn't want to remain a small development house that releases one game every two years forever. I still would't reckon on any quick release though. Brian Reynolds leaving must have been a setback, regardless of what they may say.
                But, do we really want any rush release? I hope that they take all the time they need to develop the best strategy game the world has ever seen. Civ III is Firaxis' crownjewel, and: Noblesse Oblige.

                Ceterum censeo Romanem esse delendam.
                Hasdrubal's Home.
                Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


                • #9
                  I think that they should definitely make Civ 3 before Dinosaurs but if you rush them along the game might not be what you hoped and the longer they wait the more/better ideas they will get.
                  But of course they shouldn't wait too long or they will loose the interest of their customers.

                  Just what I think.
                  I AM CANADIAN!
                  Gamecatcher: Multiplayer Civ 2 Democracy Game
                  CornEmpire Owner/Operator
                  Grand Minister: Dominion of the Balance & CornEmpire Software


                  • #10
                    The longer they take, the more time we have to argue about what Civ 3 should be.


                    • #11
                      Let's hope that Firaxis doesn't share your optimism and releases the game before I die of old age...

                      Come on Firaxis!

                      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
                      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)

