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Opening cinematic

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  • #31
    Put the effort into the end-game sequences where they're going to be most satisfying, and where you're most likely to watch them.

    As for SMACII, I don't know what you're talking about. I thought I read somewhere that there would never be a SMACII, because Firaxis had too many other things they wanted to do. And fair enough too, when they think of SMAX as half expansion, half sequel.

    - MKL
    - mkl


    • #32
      I'd love to see a grand opening video, just to set the stage. The opening in Civ I was fantastic. I was hooked to the game before I even started it! My hopes are set at an opening in the vein of Civ I, but with the looks of the Ceasar III video. Anybody seen that one? It really knocks you off your feet!
      I know nobody is going to watch the same video 600 times, but that's what they invented the return key for. I myself would like one, to suck me into the game.
      BTW, Par4, Hannibal kicked Roman butt at the battle of Cannea, 216 B.C., killing 50000 out of 70000 Romans.
      Edit: How could I forgot to mention: Hasdrubal was Hannibal's lieutenant during this campaign.
      Ceterum censeo Romanem esse delendam.
      [This message has been edited by Hasdrubal (edited May 31, 2000).]
      Hasdrubal's Home.
      Ceterum censeo Romam esse delendam.


      • #33
        Nope, sorry. I suspect that 99% of the time when there's FMV in games (whether opening, during or ending), they all get viewed once or twice and then optioned off. I would admit that I've played the Wonders movies a few times, but no longer. The goal is to play the game and to win/have fun, instead of letting the program control what you passively view, as in the case of FMV. I would suggest that the same thing goes for the Replay idea. I can't imagine many people would want to sit back and passively view how stupid the AI plays the game.

        Let's just concentrate on game play instead of taking up time and space with needless bells and whistles?


        • #34
          I'm with the Admiral. If you're going to do the intro, make it meaningful. But if not, spend the cash on the conclusions. They really do get watched everytime. After spending six weeks playing the damn game I'd better get something rewarding when I win.

          Has, it's called modesty. You just subconsciously didn't want to blow your own horn.

