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  • #31
    Tourism too. We were discussing the Wonder in a thread about migration and tourism. But I'm getting a resounding "no", so I guess I'll trash this idea. Sorry Vanishpoint.

    ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~


    • #32
      I don't know if anyone has posted a list like this one but here it goes:

      WoW's That Should Be Changed or Gotten Rid Of
      According to Christantine

      1) King Richard's Crusade (Because it is like an expensive factory.)

      2) Marco Polo's Embassy (Explained in the post United Nations)

      3) Newton's College (There are enough one-city science wonders)

      4) Women's Suffrage (Because when the women got there votes the cities of their countries were not suddenly crime-proof)

      5) United Nations (See post, United Nations)

      6) Cure for Cancer (Has not been created yet)

      7) Bach's Cathedral or Mike's (There only needs to be one)

      I just thought that someday that would have to have been said.

      I came, I saw, I allies!!
      I came, I saw, I allies!!


      • #33
        Allright, here's my comments

        Originally posted by Christantine on 05-29-2000 07:10 PM
        I don't know if anyone has posted a list like this one but here it goes:

        WoW's That Should Be Changed or Gotten Rid Of
        According to Christantine

        1) King Richard's Crusade (Because it is like an expensive factory.)

        I have to agree, although you can build Richard before a factory, generally. Maybe it can be morphed into a mini wonder, buildable once in each civ.


        Originally posted by Christantine on 05-29-2000 07:10 PM
        2) Marco Polo's Embassy (Explained in the post United Nations)

        I disagree on this one. Yes, I read your UN post, but that really doesn't apply here. Marco just gives you an embassy with every nation, something very useful that I'm not willing to give up. especially at the date Marco is available.


        Originally posted by Christantine on 05-29-2000 07:10 PM
        3) Newton's College (There are enough one-city science wonders)

        Hmmmnn... Maybe. There does need to be more variety in the wonders.


        Originally posted by Christantine on 05-29-2000 07:10 PM
        4) Women's Suffrage (Because when the women got there votes the cities of their countries were not suddenly crime-proof)

        Misunderstanding of effect. Suffrage acts as a police station in each of your cities, but the purpose of a police station is not to reduce crime, it's to control your citizens. this relates to the police effect ratings of AC SE. in civ1, it simply reduces to 1 the amount of sad faces produced by military units serving abroad. in civ2, we have a city improvement for that,so it acts as that improvement in each city. I think we should keep it.


        Originally posted by Christantine on 05-29-2000 07:10 PM
        5) United Nations (See post, United Nations)

        I agree on this one. by the time UN is available, there's a lot easier ways to contact other civs. And making other civs offer peace is absurd. While we're at it, can we fix the great wall?


        Originally posted by Christantine on 05-29-2000 07:10 PM
        6) Cure for Cancer (Has not been created yet)



        Originally posted by Christantine on 05-29-2000 07:10 PM
        7) Bach's Cathedral or Mike's (There only needs to be one)

        agreed. we need more variety in wonders.
        While I'm talking about more variety in wonders, I "wonder" how to go about making wonders customizable for scens. it is a bit disheartening to play a scen and have all those same old wonders with different names.
        Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

        I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
        ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


        • #34
          Orange wanted me to post 3 wonders here so

          Lunar Colony-Advanced high orbit spaceflight or sustained life support systems. Gives bonus for industries that benefit from 0g like computers(in corporations) and medicines.

          Man on Mars-Get a flag picture, not sure what else! A flag, your flag on the red planet!!
          Tech preq, Long Range Space Communication

          Mars colonies- Long range space comm, sustained life support, advanced propulsion. Gives bonus in research and space stuff.

          space stuff-reseach orbiters, mining stations. Give bonuses, reseach, production,

          I use this email
          (stupid cant use hotmail)

          Don't ask for golf tips
          Your game will get worse

