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0 size cities.

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  • #16
    Ken Bregott, about (1) historically realistic I'm waiting for S.Kroeze quoting here some encyclopedia but for now I suggest is more realistic than actual city disappearance after an attack.

    AFAIK cities were sometimes abandoned by citizen (as I suggested in my previus post, because of threat or disaster), not very often completely wiped out by invaders.
    Look, also Dresda and Hiroshima suffered great loss of population but are still on the map as living cities, Pompei isn't.

    2) It depends, no one underline that an unguarded "0 pop" city can also be regained by a previus owner settler, so it can be a problem for player that like Attila, try to remove conquered cities from map (now they must take some "atrocity penalty").

    3) Yes, you can't clean up the map from unwanted cities, but that's more correct on the line of migration/existing background of village - point of view (see the others thread for reference). IMHO we should manage people, we can't rule completely free as some kind of God: that's Popolous, not Civilization

    Father beast:
    1) ICS FIX, I take your words for good, I never tried to solve that problem, because many player did better analysis than me.

    2) A city already lose improvements when you attack it, and we are speaking about city so poorly inhabitated (not developed, too) to lose last pop with the last attack.
    If this is the case, I doubt we will gain a city with any improvement at all, so all this thread will become useless

    3) Ruins are good for defense, at least on modern (with firegun) battles: look at Cassino in Italy, during WWII. Of course not against Nuclear weapons...

    4) About other civs upsetting if you destroy a city with a wonder, then if a city contain a Wonder should be declared as an "Open City" (e.g. Rome during WWII), where any army inside city is forced to withdraw outside if attacked by at least equal forces. Not sure is worth the effort, may be will be more useful if linked to religions (cult city) or any form of civ culture (art city).

    Well how a long post, and we are simply talking about "0 pop" cities!

    Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
    - Admiral Naismith

