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Anyone have any Modern Wars?

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  • #16
    Modern wars are really cool especially when you have a good tech lead, the feeling that you get when you station carriers on the enemy coast and bomb the sh*t out of them with bombers and battleships.
    because of the tech lead your enemy responds with ironclads .
    After that you burn 'em down with tanks or modern armor .
    When I dont have a good tech lead in modern times, I always try to avoid wars it's just too dangerous and costly.


    • #17
      I like modern wars. Even though I don't use airplanes (I find them too quick and not worth the turns to build). All you need in a legion of MAs and goto town.
      I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


      • #18
        Re: Anyone have any Modern Wars?

        Originally posted by Artifex
        Game is decided before I ever get to modern tech. I think Bombers and Tanks are the coolest weapons. DO you have to play Huge Maps to paretake in some exciting modern wars?
        True! Most game is decided before we could ever get to modern tech. I think cavalries and artilleries are the coolest units. Once I get artilleries, victory is certain. For my artillery strategy, check out this thread. If you wish to see my artilleries and cavalries in action, my savegames can be locate in this thread.

        I usually play on a huge map with at least 12 civs and I rarely see exciting modern warfares. Even if you play on a huge map at Deity level with 16 civs, you probably won't see much modern warfares unless you intentionally let it happens.


        • #19
          I've used modern armour for a couple of skirmishes. I think I built stealth once, and I've never built the modern arty.
          We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
          If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
          Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


          • #20
            Modern Era World Wars


            Being a builder at heart, I am only learning to do some peaceful warmongering and my latest game is a good example of how intense the Modern Era can be:

            Egypt/Monarch/Std Map/8 Civ/Pangea with two smaller continents
            Iroquois, Romans, Egyptians, Japanese, Russians, Aztec and Chinese on main continent
            Zulus on large island/continent.
            Russians dead around 1 AD, Japanese around 1700 AD.

            The year is 1960 and I just finished a scrap with the only other democracy, the Zulu's. Major naval actions that saw the loss of a couple of Egyptian destroyers and submarines, while we sank 2 Zulu Aircraft Carriers, 2 Battleships, 2 transports, and about 12 Ironclads. Major Airwar actions saw the Egyptians loosing about 4 Fighters and the Zulus loosing 10 Bombers.

            I took out their oil and one aluminium site by bombardment and they were happy to take a peace treaty with large cash gpt penalties for their troubles. I had just finished a 20 turn war with the Romans, where they were completely pushed out of their starting site on the main continent, and now have only their two of seven original big cities on the main continent and one island continent. The Iroquois are still at war with the Romans, but their ablibity to project force is limited and I have 4 battleships and some bombers nearby if needed.

            On the main continent, the Aztecs are the biggest for cities, but they lack technology (they only have Cavalry and I have MA in spades) and the Chinese (Infantry and a little artillery). I was making preparations to attack the Aztecs when the Zulu's struck. I had moved my palace to the Old Japanese capital some 400 years before, so I have almost 2 fully built up empires with factories in about half the cities.

            It was a mad scamble to get all available fighters in place to take on the Zulu bombers who were having unusual luck in taking out the terrain improvments. I had more than enough workers available to repair the damage each turn, but it took about 6 turns to get enough fighter and jet fighter units in place to protect my coastal cities. All the while I had Chinese Infantry and Roman Riflemen wandering into my territories and i was fully expecting the next request for them to shove off was going to bring on a new war. Fortunately, they didn't and will soon realize that they missed their opportunity to do some damage.

            There have been some good battles, and usually I lost a unit for every defender killed. With a full load of MA with MI's with Artillery Bombers in place, now I should have about half of the Aztec empire in about 5 turns. Good thing too: war weariness, even with 6 of 8 luxuries and Marketplaces everywhere, is a problem since they start the riot at turn 21 of the conflict. The last time, I hadn't even started the fighting !

            G.I Latrine grafitti:

            This is a war fought by the unwilling,
            Led by the unqualitfied,
            Dying for the ungrateful.

            (Tour of Duty)

            (I still hadn't had an army until about 1950, and that was from the Roman campaign... so no Military Acadamy or Heroic Epic yet)
            Add in that most of my trade was coming from the Zulus, I had hoped to keep them as a cash cow to pay for the accelerated research. When they attacked, it cost me 220 gpt. Fortunately I had recently captured another luxury, and research had been at 80%. I was able to still make 100gpt with the research reduced to just 50%.

            Combat in modern times can be fun, but you need to really work at it to make it viable (by selectively pruning enemies). Combined arms and a good Navy are essential, some serious production capacity and a flexible economy and you can take on the whole world while sitting on the edge of your seat..

            Last edited by Gen.Dragolen; August 22, 2002, 14:38.
            "Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck,
            leads the flock to fly and follow"

            - Chinese Proverb


            • #21
              Re: Modern Era World Wars

              Originally posted by Gen.Dragolen
              So ladies don't count???


              • #22
                In one of my recent games (emperor/huge map), I even postponed building the spaceship so that I can see radar artillery, modern armor, stealth bombers and AEGIS cruisers at work.
                It's just fun to have all those killer units around...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Caliban
                  In one of my recent games (emperor/huge map), I even postponed building the spaceship so that I can see radar artillery, modern armor, stealth bombers and AEGIS cruisers at work.
                  It's just fun to have all those killer units around...
                  Yup, all dress up in shinning armour with no place to go and no one to fight against.


                  • #24
                    Re: Re: Modern Era World Wars

                    Originally posted by Moonsinger

                    So ladies don't count???
                    My Lady,

                    No offense was intended. I had yet to meet a woman who plays this game. My humble apologies.

                    "Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck,
                    leads the flock to fly and follow"

                    - Chinese Proverb


                    • #25
                      And it is something to see a nicely balanced force slice through the enemies ranks and watch their cities add to your empire.

                      Good thing this is only a game, because it sounds like many players rely soley on the weight of numbers when doing their campigns. In real life, they'd have been court martial'd for their troop mutinying over the causalty rates...

                      "Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck,
                      leads the flock to fly and follow"

                      - Chinese Proverb


                      • #26
                        Now thats an interesting idea for PTW or further on. Armies that wont fight if abused.
                        We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                        If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                        Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                        • #27
                          1967 AD

                          Lady and Gentlemen,

                          Here's a copy of my the game. See what you think my chances are of winning by domination.

                          Attached Files
                          "Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck,
                          leads the flock to fly and follow"

                          - Chinese Proverb


                          • #28
                            i mostly play on large islands continents. I try to avoid wars until modern except to conquer my entire island. I think modern wars are much more fun. altho MA against spearmen isnt much of a fight, the AIs have so many that many cities survive just because I run out of attacking units. I'm watching a war between the english and romans. The english have a hill city with at least 2 MI. The romans are massing an army of over 40 units ranging from legionaries to marines. The have already sent 6 cavalry units to their death. My army is waiting for mop up operations against the winner.

