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ai hates me

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Galvatron
    Yeahh of course if they offer something to me I will be Mr. niceguy and attack somebody else. No I never attack somebody unprovoked: I attack them only when I need to defend my interests or want to expand and I think this are than justified reasons to attack somebody
    Arguably this is just what the AI is doing.

    Often I try to build up the largest army in the world and than play the role of a mercenary. The highest bidder gets my services. It's funny to see how they try to pull you to their side. With this tactic you can be very rich in no time. 1) you get the "reward" from your ally in defeating his enemy and 2) you get the conquered cities.

    So long life militarism.
    Again this could well be just what the AI is doing. And everyone accuses the AI of cheating when they give each other techs and then declare war on you...
    Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


    • #17
      But I'm the human the good one. I'm allowed to do it personally I find it very unfair if the AI copies my actions and tries to hit me with the same dirty tricks I play on them. The AI have to play by the rules.
      Dance to Trance

      Proud and official translator of Yaroslavs Civilization-Diplomacy utility.


      • #18
        I find it very unfair if the AI copies my actions and tries to hit me with the same dirty tricks I play on them. The AI have to play by the rules.
        If you were playing by the rules and the AI used those dirty tricks you used while playing by the rules; then wouldn't the AI be playing by the rules? Or were you cheating?


        • #19
          No I don't cheat it takes the whole fun out of the game. Well it's simple:

          Two different sets of rules are existing:
          I'm allowed to blackmail the AI and take everything I want from them because I have the power to do so (military advantage).

          The AI on the other side it not allowed to strike back against me. All they are allowed to do is fight against each other, give me anything I want and when they fight against me they are obliged to loose. Should the AI did anything against my rules this is considered cheating in my opinion.

          So to put it out shortly: I have a double-morale.
          Dance to Trance

          Proud and official translator of Yaroslavs Civilization-Diplomacy utility.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Galvatron
            So to put it out shortly: I have a double-morale.
            does that mean you are extra brave? or do you mean double-moral?
            Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


            • #21
              Originally posted by Galvatron
              Ahh that's the problem I'm too uncooperative
              That will do it. They like you to trade with them as much as they do with each other. I don't think the AI is even aware that there is anything but other AI Civs.

              Might be because I never give them anything for free. Why should I as I did everything I own myself so why should I give it away for free. I prefer to go to war with the whole world before I give something away.
              Well then you are likely to be at war a lot. If the AI demands something from you for free that means they think your are a wimp and an easy mark or both. Sometimes they are bluffing. Most of the time they aren't so if you if say NO you had better start building the troops that you didn't have. If you have enough troops they won't try extorting you.

              Keep in mind though that the AI civs are trying to win the game. When there is no where else to exand they will choose a target to go to war with. Often they precede it with an extortion demand. If you pay they usually pick on someone else. Someone that didn't want to pay Danegeld.

              Its fairly easy to get the whole world at war with YOUR choice of targets if you have the troops to convince them you are not a an easy mark.


              • #22
                Originally posted by MarBaS
                But i just want peace and harmony, and butterflies. not war. this game is about civilizations not just a war game
                LOL! Maybe they don't like the butterflies.


                • #23
                  Re: ai hates me

                  Originally posted by MarBaS
                  I dont play civ3 much at all anymore, but i have only played 1 game with the new patch. I quit in the middle of the game because the AI all teamed up against me early in the game. I wasnt really doing anything to anger them. Why do they pick on me? I was only playing on Warlord.
                  A lot of times if you end up in a war with a strong civ, they will immediately negotiate alliances against you with everyone and anyone possible. To counter this, as soon as a war starts, YOU need to go to the civs bordering you and your enemy and get them on your side by any means necessary. Sometimes even one well placed ally will be enough to thwart your neighbor's agression.

                  For instance, in my current game I'm Greece, and Russia and France are to the north of me. When Russia got aggressive early on, I contacted the French, got an alliance against Russia, and forced the Russians into a two front war. When that occurs, it seems like the AI usually give priority to the AI attacker over the human.

                  Also, unless there is a compelling reason, don't bother kicking the AI out of your territory. Let them cross back and forth or even fight each other on your land if it's not hindering you in any way. I was able to reduce neighboring civs on both sides of my rather weak empire once by this means - they beat each other to a pulp on my territory and then I cleaned both of them up later.
                  "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                  "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                  "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                  • #24
                    Re: Re: ai hates me

                    Originally posted by Stuie

                    Also, unless there is a compelling reason, don't bother kicking the AI out of your territory. Let them cross back and forth or even fight each other on your land if it's not hindering you in any way. I was able to reduce neighboring civs on both sides of my rather weak empire once by this means - they beat each other to a pulp on my territory and then I cleaned both of them up later.
                    wow! This sounds like good advice! Telling them repeatedly to get out is really tiresome anyway.

                    So the message is: don't piss off the AI. Just wipe them out.
                    Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


                    • #25
                      Yeah, I've had fun with the AI walking about on my land. One time a vastly superior Russia was crossing my territoy with an uber-stack to beat up on the relatively weak Romans. I managed to surround the uber-stack with eight units (I think I used some extra workers...), then let the Roman army cross my territory to bring it to the Russian homelands, whilst I remained "neutral" the entire time. Hindering the AI in this manner does not piss them off.
                      "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                      "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                      "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Stuie
                        Yeah, I've had fun with the AI walking about on my land. One time a vastly superior Russia was crossing my territoy with an uber-stack to beat up on the relatively weak Romans. I managed to surround the uber-stack with eight units (I think I used some extra workers...), then let the Roman army cross my territory to bring it to the Russian homelands, whilst I remained "neutral" the entire time. Hindering the AI in this manner does not piss them off.
                        so presumably it would be possible to herd the a civ's troops into another civ's territory, thereby making them pissed off with each other.

                        I guess the pissed-offness wouldn't be enough to make it worth while though. Better to do what you did and bottle up a stack.
                        Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Galvatron
                          No I don't cheat it takes the whole fun out of the game. Well it's simple:

                          Two different sets of rules are existing:
                          I'm allowed to blackmail the AI and take everything I want from them because I have the power to do so (military advantage).

                          The AI on the other side it not allowed to strike back against me. All they are allowed to do is fight against each other, give me anything I want and when they fight against me they are obliged to loose. Should the AI did anything against my rules this is considered cheating in my opinion.

                          So to put it out shortly: I have a double-morale.
                          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by TacticalGrace

                            does that mean you are extra brave? or do you mean double-moral?
                            Hmm interesting a single "e" can change the whole meaning. Perhaps I should watch out my spelling. But I came from Cybertron and there we spell moral with an “e” at the end.
                            Dance to Trance

                            Proud and official translator of Yaroslavs Civilization-Diplomacy utility.


                            • #29
                              Stuie . . .

                              I've also used the tactic of letting other civ's units onto my terriroty and them surrounding them with my units so they can't move, or backing them into a corner with ocean on the other side. It's actually pretty funny to see them sitting there unable to do anything. In the early game I will sometimes take three warriors out to get in the way of oncoming settlers from other civs. Three warriors make a pretty good wall if they are moved correctly. The AI will keep trying to get around them, but won't get mad at you. But then sometimes I just kill the settlers, and am done with it.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by TacticalGrace

                                No that is not entirely true:
                                (1) They tend to gang up on the most powerful civ.
                                (2) They tend to gang up on the most uncooperative/beligerant civ

                                that normally the player's civ. If you are behind and do a bit of trading then you can get them to ally with you.
                                I don't know... I was playing on Monarch, and had risen to 1. Now, I was chock full of luxuries, and had like a dozen trade agreements, so maybe that soothed them some, but nobody was declaring war on me. In fact, they all seemed to pick the weakest nation on the continent, gang up on him, destroy him, find the next one, and so on...It got to the point where I could always predict it and send a few observers. The thing I hated about Civ2, and which I don't see so much anymore, is all the AI ganging up on you the moment you passed a certain level of power. It was ridiculous. I could sometimes see the change te moment I built one more military unit. They would all get hostile, even allies, then, if I disbanded it, they'd all be friends again.
                                Rhett Monroe Chassereau

                                "I use to be with it, then they changed what it is. And what I'm with isn't it, and what is it seems strange and scary to me." -Abe Simpson

