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Your OWN music in CivIII

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  • Your OWN music in CivIII

    How about having CivIII set up so that we can put a music cd in the drive and use it as the background music?
    I know you can do this with civ2 but you can't have any videos or anything then.
    So what do you think?

  • #2
    I would like for the music of Civ3 to all be on mp3. You should be able to put all mp3 files into a special Civ3 playlist, and so you could have your favorite music as background music.

    Sure hope Napster wins that lawsuit....
    "It is not enough to be alive. Sunshine, freedom and a little flower you have got to have."
    - Hans Christian Andersen

    GGS Website


    • #3
      Why not use mp3's?

      I have a no-CD version of Heroes Of Might and Magic 3.

      There I can copy my mp3s into the "music" folder and rename them. Now I can listen to "creeping death" in the rampart town.


      • #4
        But we shouldn't forget all these good ol' stuff like "Hammurabi's Code" and "Gautama ponders". Those civ2-tracks were taken from civ1 . I propose that there should be music from EVERY civilizaiton in Civ1. The French, Germans, Russians etc. werent included in Civ2 with their music. only the babylonians, the Aztecs, the Egypts, the Romans, the Indians, the Greeks and the Chinese. I didn't miss anyone? OK.

        Maybe in MP3-format, not important!

        Ah, a good idea comes up right now. There's a folder, called "music". in that, there you have ALL music, without or with sub-folders not important, and in the game there are ALL the tracks played included in the folder.

        sub-folders could make it easier to sort by genre etc.

        What do you think about it, fellows?


        • #5
          Well, mp3s would probably be a good idea, but I fear Firaxis would not be allowed to do that, seen in the light of the Napster lawsuit. You should at least be able to play CD music as well, maybe even use both the game CD and a music CD for those who has two drives (or a DVD drive and a CD-ROM drive).

          But saving ALL the game music onto the hard drive wuold be a waste of space for those who didn't want to tamper with it. How about leaving the original music to play off the CD, and then being able to override that with your on files in a special folder on the hard drive. Alternatively, an install option would specify whether you wanted to install the ingame music or not.

          just my .02



