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Behind the scenes at Firaxis

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  • Behind the scenes at Firaxis

    I want to start by saying that the following information has NOT been confirmed, but here goes:

    I occasionally game with the quality control manager of a game testing company (he showed me the latest build of Deus Ex last night and it rocked, by the way) who has frequent contact with Firaxis, as he helped test SMAC, Gettysburg! and Antietam!. I asked him what the deal was with Brian leaving, and he said that, in addition to wanting to do other things, Brian told him that Sid's ego was interfering with the development of Civ3 because he kept drawing resources off to work on his own projects. No surprise, really; a lot of speculation on this board has focused on that very thing. It was just interesting to hear a sort of "inside" scoop.

    Better living through tyranny
    Better living through tyranny

  • #2
    No! I cannot believe it!!!! Blasphemy!!!! Have faith Dracon!!!!


    • #3
      I think I'll kill myself.......!!
      Crazy Potatoe Joe
      Webmaster of
      !!!! The page is no up yet !!!!


      • #4
        Burn the heretic!
        Burn the heretic!
        Burn the heretic!

        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


        • #5
          I can believe there is some truth into Ubergeek words. I already saw similar things in other companies (not game related).

          But IMHO we must put on the balance the "need for cash" Firaxis probably has.

          A Civ 2.5 should be ready for Christmas 2000, but people will probably revolt and press review can't be good enough. SMAC too has not been as succesful as CIV II has.

          So Sid must bet every coin on Dino for a Christmas release: "pedal to the metal", every available resources, no time for E3 show.
          Be really aware of Dino first release: bugfest candidate IMO.

          This is only my guess, no internal hint, no offense intended to Firaxis: this is business, we know.

          Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
          "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
          - Admiral Naismith


          • #6
            In all fairness to Sid, my friend said that Brian's ego was pretty big too. I get the impression that he just like Brian more than Sid on a personal level.

            Better living through tyranny
            Better living through tyranny


            • #7
              Maybe Firaxis should focus on one game at a time...

              Webmaster of Civilization Fanatics' Center @ Strategy Gaming Online
              Civilization Fanatics' Center


              • #8
                You know what I reckon? Get rid of Dinosaurs, **** it! Focus on CivIII!


                • #9
                  It's hard not to be egotistical when you are deemed successful, even something of a legend, in your field.
                  (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                  (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                  (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                  • #10
                    I would agree I think Brian's ego is pretty damn big too. I subscribe to the belief that Sid will do Dinos first with Civ3 graphics and superficial crap at the same time then work on Civ3. I think Sid will{hopefully} bring some new ideas to the old Civ gameplay. I am tired of Civ2 and SMAC... well kinda. I hope all those civil war games help with the war department, warmongers like me need some killing in our empire building games. I like RTS though, a lot actually. I can't wait to see what BHG first title is about. RTS an aquired taste, or is it the other way around, TBS an aquired taste. Hmmm

                    RTS RULZ!!

                    *Par4 tacks "RTS RULZ" over "GO TBS"*
                    *Hears cries of unruley mob at door*

                    I use this email
                    (stupid cant use hotmail)
                    Don't ask for golf tips
                    Your game will get worse


                    • #11
                      Personally I thought there had to be some behind the scene squabbling at Firaxis. There were to many of the greatest game designers in the world working under one roof for their to be a utopia environment.

                      Brian creates Civ II and AC and it is Sid's name on the cover. Sure Sid is famous and sells copies but it has to sting Brian. It also seems that they probably had different ideas about the future of the company (RT v. TB).

                      Oh well hopefully great games can come out from the both of them seperately.
                      About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                      • #12
                        One other thing. I am not completely sure why Firaxis is so strapped for cash. I know SMAC was not as successful as hoped, but it and its add-on had to generate funds for the company as did SMG and SMA. Does anyone know why Firaxis is in such dire straits?
                        About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                        • #13
                          Yknow, I couldn't give a **** who made the game, or any game.

                          I could have come up with something better than Civilization, I'm betting most of us could. I mean, we complain about flaws in games all the time. Most of us know what we want, but those lard arses don't make it, well, every 1 in 3000 games made might actualy be a good one.

                          I didn't know who Sid Meier was, and when I found out, I still didn't give a ****.

                          I just want a good game to come out, I don't care about who is successful and who isn't.

                          I mean, honestly, if you were truely successful, you wouldn't be taking it for granted, you would be focused to a good, honest A+ game.

                          If you ask me, putting the name of the designer of the game on the front of the box, is just a waste of ****ing space.


                          • #14
                            Hmmm it's probably not wise to post such 'detailed' information of the web. You might just get people fired...

                            Interesting though how he had a build of an Eidos game (Deus Ex) when he works for EA.


                            • #15
                              If this is true, I think his friend works at a company that beta tests games from whichever company pays them to, not a specific company like EA or Eidos.

                              I use this email
                              (stupid cant use hotmail)
                              Don't ask for golf tips
                              Your game will get worse

