There is a very long thread on this board about ways in which slavery could be implemented in CIV III.
Personally I would prefer it to be left out. Sure it was/is part of human history but so are other nasty things like the fact that most of the time when an invading army conquered a population thier troops would rape the women of the populace.
In fact this even happens now. Look at what the iraqi soldiers did to the kuwaiti women.
I'm sure that if someone "really" wanted to they could incorporate this into the game. Say if your troops occupy a city that city's populace would slowly change over 3 or 4 decades to a hybrid of your civ's ethnicity and the conquered city's ethnicity.
But I'm sure that this would be something no one on this group wants in the game.
I don't know what the ethnicity is of most of the people on this board but being a descendent of a group who went through REAL slavery less than even 2 centuries ago I certainly would not want to see this aspect portrayed in a game that is supposed to be for entertainment and NOT for a history lesson.
Personally I would prefer it to be left out. Sure it was/is part of human history but so are other nasty things like the fact that most of the time when an invading army conquered a population thier troops would rape the women of the populace.
In fact this even happens now. Look at what the iraqi soldiers did to the kuwaiti women.
I'm sure that if someone "really" wanted to they could incorporate this into the game. Say if your troops occupy a city that city's populace would slowly change over 3 or 4 decades to a hybrid of your civ's ethnicity and the conquered city's ethnicity.
But I'm sure that this would be something no one on this group wants in the game.
I don't know what the ethnicity is of most of the people on this board but being a descendent of a group who went through REAL slavery less than even 2 centuries ago I certainly would not want to see this aspect portrayed in a game that is supposed to be for entertainment and NOT for a history lesson.