Lets say you have a continent with 30 cities on a standard map that has 3 continents. After the map is discovered you see 2 civs on one continent and 3 civs on another continent..and you wiped out 2 civs on your home continent.
There is another continent you are fighting on with the 2 civs. You could take it over..and settle the entire continent with 20-30 cities. To make you total 60 give or take.
Is this bad strategy? I heard that corruption increases bigtime when you start having alot of cities?
Should you just clear the continent and not settle it? To keep your total around 30 cities?
If you found alot of new cities on a continent then all your good cities back on your home continent are gonna get smacked with massive corruption right?
Whats more important, alot of territiory at this expense..or not expanding so as not to cripple all your good cities back home?
Since a lot of territory = high score and denial to other civs I usually settle, but I have been wondering if its good to just have a bunch of useless 1 shield cities for the sole purpose of having a lot of territory.
Anyone know how badly expanding liek this hurts your good core cities back home?
There is another continent you are fighting on with the 2 civs. You could take it over..and settle the entire continent with 20-30 cities. To make you total 60 give or take.
Is this bad strategy? I heard that corruption increases bigtime when you start having alot of cities?
Should you just clear the continent and not settle it? To keep your total around 30 cities?
If you found alot of new cities on a continent then all your good cities back on your home continent are gonna get smacked with massive corruption right?
Whats more important, alot of territiory at this expense..or not expanding so as not to cripple all your good cities back home?
Since a lot of territory = high score and denial to other civs I usually settle, but I have been wondering if its good to just have a bunch of useless 1 shield cities for the sole purpose of having a lot of territory.
Anyone know how badly expanding liek this hurts your good core cities back home?