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New Brian Reynolds Interview

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  • New Brian Reynolds Interview


    Q: If you wanted to do something like Civilization II, why not do Civilization III? Were you not allowed to put your own stamp on it because it is Sid Meier’s Civilization III?

    A: I wouldn’t say that. There was no creative friction at all. There was no question that Civilization III was to be my project creatively, it’s just the structure of things wouldn’t let me do what I really thought a "game for the 21st century" should be.

    hmmmm.... meaning?

  • #2

    You can only get your score so high by focusing on one category, so we think that to compete in today’s marketplace, or 2002 [which is likely when we’ll see the first Big Huge Game], you need to have every element in place.

    Is this the first we've seen of a date thus far?

    - MKL
    - mkl


    • #3

      Q: Do players really realize when they say," You should add this feature", how much it effects the overall game?
      BR: [Laughs] After a while, you just learn to take it as a compliment that they care.

      Hmmm Imagine if BHG was gonna make a turn based history title, hundreds of pages of compliments All coming from Apolyton.

      I wonder if Firaxis feels this way??

      I use this email
      (stupid cant use hotmail)
      Don't ask for golf tips
      Your game will get worse


      • #4
        I'm sure they do. But if we can help put a few ideas in their head, then hopefully we've made it a better game than it would have been. Besides, we brought up a lot of these ideas before they'd gone very far with the development, and things would have been a bit different then.

        - MKL
        - mkl


        • #5
          It's funny to me to see the amount of press Mr. Reynolds gets here at apolyton. I mean, he had a big hand in developing our favorite game but that's in the past. It is very clear that he wants to do some 'cutting-edge' RTS games, which for me and a number of players here (witness the TBS/RTS debates), have very little interest in. I would very much rather for us and apolyton to spend the time and effort on Civ3 - as a true sequel to Civ2. IMVHO, of course.


          • #6
            after all these years playing his games, I think lots of us are interested in what he will do in the future...


            • #7
              I am one of the minority(I think) here who like RTS games a lot. Metal fatigue is cool I love those robots with the katana swords, anime!!, anime!!, Shogun is awesome runs great too, I got imperium galactica 2 a few problems but fun, I've signed up to beta Dark Reign 2 and wanna see how earth 2150, europa universialis(sp?) turn out. I also can't wait to play RA 2 the graphics are gonna suck compared to 3d RTS but just as long as the gameplay is fast, no 2 hour games like Tiberian sun(load of crap) and lots of tanks and telsa troops and carriers and you can be the Americans no more having to be Europe!!! ooohhh I'm getting shivers of the old network battles of RA. Now I know you think I am insane but come on everyone needs a little fast paced action and there is some strategy I mean do I want telsa troops or do I want apocalypse tanks, dolphins or AEGIS cruisers??

              I use this email
              (stupid cant use hotmail)
              Don't ask for golf tips
              Your game will get worse
              [This message has been edited by Par4 (edited May 12, 2000).]


              • #8
                I agree with u, Steve. There must be 5 or more Brian Reynolds interviews just in the past few months (some of them are nearly identical).

                I haven't seen any Sid Meier interviews in a LONG TIME. (ok, GamersPress recently interviewed Firaxis, but it was not a Sid Meier interview.)


                Originally posted by Steve Clark on 05-12-2000 10:51 AM
                It's funny to me to see the amount of press Mr. Reynolds gets here at apolyton.

                Well, you can't blame Apolyton. Brian Reynolds received much more attention in the gaming community than Sid Meier/Firaxis in the past few months. We webmasters are just reporting relevant news.

                Webmaster of Civilization Fanatics' Center @ Strategy Gaming Online
                [This message has been edited by Thunderfall (edited May 13, 2000).]
                Civilization Fanatics' Center

