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nuclear threat

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  • nuclear threat

    how about a pre-set of nuck targets on rival empires...(on its own dialog box)
    so when a rival city is lunching a nuck a dilog box appiers and asks if u want to lunch your pre-set nucks on the target`s u set before(like the capitol and major cities of that empire)
    in that way empires will know that there r always stack of nuck missiles point on them and as a result of an unconventional attack there set off auto....this way thell think 10 times before lunching a nuclear attack
    ppl suld live in a constant feel that nucks r aimed to there major cities maybe this fact will stop those "easy finger on the button" ppl.

  • #2
    I like the idea.


    • #3
      Then will there be two types of nuclear weapons? One being a bomb that you need a plane to drop and another being a missile launched from a silo a certain distance? Maybe, dependening on how the research tree works you can improve the range of the missile. Just some thoughts.
      About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


      • #4
        the pre-set aiming of nukes seems a good idea to me. It should take some effort to change the targets of the nuclears then.
        And indeed, new techs could increase the missile's range.
        Good points people!

        C'est dur etre bébé
        C'est dur etre bébé


        • #5
          I LIKE IT!!!
          Sort of like SDI and DEFCON combined.
          tniem mentioned planes dropping nukes.
          That gives me an idea.
          We need a plane carrier type unit.
          Like a bomber that will carry missles.
          Kinda like subs.
          Such as the B52 Bomber(Enola Gay - Hiroshima)
          [This message has been edited by WarVoid (edited April 17, 2000).]


          • #6
            If this type of nuclear screen is implemented then there needs to be nuclear disarment in the diplomacy menus. Stuff such as don't aim your missiles at me and I won't aim at you. And a general cut back in nuclear missiles and other weapons on both sides. This could only become a possibility in the late game after the U.N. or something
            About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


            • #7
              and i think the reaction suld be on the same turn as the enemies missle flying towards our cities.(in ral life usa or russia wont wait till the missiles will land and then act...the counter strike is an immediate step after detection and before the missle land)
              1)lunch detected from an enemiey city.
              2)a dialog box pops up to alert , and to ask us if we want to lunch our pre-set nucks.
              3)lunch(on the same turn).
              it culd be funny if our alarm system will do a mistake of identity of that kind of lunch and ppl will have to decide if its for real or not....should they start ww3 or not......should they start a nuckliar war or not......


              • #8
                I LIKE IT TOO!!!

                Missiles should not be controlled by moving them across the map tile by tile...
                They must have pre-set targets..

                For tile-by-tile movement, bombs loaded onto planes should be used.. Perhaps someone could dig out my post on loading things (nukes, bombs - bio, chem etc., paratroopers etc.) onto planes...

                The range of the missile should depend on the missile tech. Missiles and warheads should be built separately.. For example, you could have 13 Trident (?) missiles, and load Class 3 nuclear warheads on 5 of them, 2 for biological warheads, 2 for conventional warheads, 3 for chemical warheads and one for a thermo-nuclear warhead...

                ICQ: 17719980


                • #9
                  Like I said, the changing of the target of the nuke should take some effort then, otherwise the pre-set targets won't mean anything.

                  Perhaps it should cost a serious amount of money in order to change the target, and last at least one turn until ready again.

                  C'est dur etre bébé
                  C'est dur etre bébé


                  • #10
                    Good idea, except for the dialog box.
                    I think that when you have aimed missiles, and an attack occurs, the missiles should be launched immediately without your confirmation. If you didn't want that, you shouldn't have aimed them in the first place.
                    This would make you think twice about aiming those missiles.


                    • #11
                      UndoRetry, you're from Belgium too? Where from?
                      C'est dur etre bébé


                      • #12
                        I disagree with Undo. Whenever a missile was launched you would decide excactly how many missiles should be launched back and at what targets. After all, if one of your protectorates were hit by a nuke you would propably want to send back a few to one of the allies of the foreign power launching the nukes, but you wouldn't want to give him a totally annihilating strike, as this would make him attack you back. As diplomacy, allies and such should have far greater importance in Civ3 compared to Civ2 and SMAC I think the nuclear launch screen (or whatever you use to launch nukes) should appear every time a nuke is launched somewhere in the world. Even if it had absolutely nothing to do with you.

                        You should have as much control over the situation as possible.
                        "It is not enough to be alive. Sunshine, freedom and a little flower you have got to have."
                        - Hans Christian Andersen

                        GGS Website


                        • #13
                          I think the immediate launch should depend on the government in power. Such as if a democracy or republic were in power then the leader would have to be consulted before a confirmation of launch could be confirmed. If a despotic or communist government were in power where the military ruled then the launch would be immediate and without consul.


                          • #14
                            I would absolutely not want the game to decide if I nuke or not. In a dem. or rep. I may need to consult the counsel, but the game would ALWAYS need to consult me before nuking. America would not nuke without an executive decision (the president). This is too big a deal to be automated.

                            Also, I think building nukes as units under this circumstances should not happen. You would allocate a budget (gold and production) to be put into expanding your nuclear arsenal. The UN would make sure that figure is known approximately.
                            Then, to add a twist, you may be able to attempt faking this figure via the Espionage Screen ???

                            A lovely concept, if you're not on the receiving end

                            ICQ: 929768
                            To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


                            • #15
                              In Detail:

                              In the Nuclear screen, you would not just decide on the budget, you would also decide in which cities your nukes are and how big they are (firepower vs. numbers). Small nukes would be able to penetrate small cities with few units present, while bigger ones would, obviously, kill more people, units and destroy more improvements. There would be no guarantee that all military units will be killed.

                              Changing the targets would not cost money, but take a few turns (like military readyness in CTP).

                              There might also be an option to build small (tactical) nukes as units (delivered by bombers?) for use agains armies. Something like rapid response...

                              ICQ: 929768
                              To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks

