
No announcement yet. (What the heck............)

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  • (What the heck............)

    I was browsing on the web from work and I wanted to check up on the latest Civ 3 news and types in as I thought this was the address for the Civ 3 FAQ site.

    What a shock I got when I found it jumped to a range of ACTIVISION's product range.

    I am concerned that this name is associated with Activision. I thought Firaxis would have owned such a domain name. With the crappy CTP range that Activision has, I believe that newbies that know nothing about Civ3 and have had a horrid experience with CTP will automatically assume that Activision is making Civ3.

    I know I may be getting a little dramatic about such a small thing as a domain name but it is quite a suprise as to why Activision would have owned this domain name. Could they be making a point to Firaxis!!!!


  • #2
    Yes, this is a well known fact, and everyone here hates Activision for doing this. (At least I...)

    Oh no! They've overrun too!
    [This message has been edited by Patriqvium (edited May 09, 2000).]
    Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


    • #3
      I hate CtP.
      It is by far the worst civ title ever made.
      That and I went and paid full price for it too only to be let down.


      • #4
        hey guys, check out the first CTP2 screenshots at the CTP-2 General Forum!


        • #5
          I did not bother to try ....those animals... how could they. I wonder what Firaxis will use for their main site!!!

          I just checked out the screen shots of CTPII and here is what I think (the views below are only mine and I accept all critisism that may arise!)

          1. Graphics...same crap..never really liked the dark look and feel of the CTP graphics. You think they would have created a new set of units!!!

          2. The game play itself does not seem different...will I get bored AGAIN in three weeks or is there gonna be more bang in the game play.

          3. I honestly will not touch it until there have been MANY reviews and all pros and cons have been laid out.

          4. It has new improved AII,DII,AI,DIA,ADI..blah..blah...blah...what ever happened to the simple scenario design facility that was found in Civ 2. It may have been simple, but atleast you did not require a spec team, a development team and a degree in coding to write a simple scenario.

          5. We all know that it WILL be a waste of money and Civ 3 will kick ass.

          Keep it coming Firaxis, show Activision what playing Civ really is about.



          • #6
            I stopped reading when you characterized the graphics as dark....


            • #7
              MarkG, he have some monitor brightness problems?

              Well, I will wait for CTP II players reviews AND for CIV III players too, before to decide what will be my next Civ game.

              I don't understand how someone, without any actual serius info about CIV III can be sure it will "kick ass" against a game that someone is rewriting looking at the same forum suggestions here at Apolyton

              I mean, it may be, but if at least one of the two games will be OK... just buy it!

              Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
              "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
              - Admiral Naismith


              • #8
                I'll write a review for CTP2 when it comes out. I buy from Compusa, if the game sucks...
                RETURN IT. Well they let me at the one in my town. I got CTP, hated it, returned it, got my 30 bucks back

                I use this email
                (stupid cant use hotmail)
                Don't ask for golf tips
                Your game will get worse


                • #9
                  Dark graphics? ...Not in the one i bought...

                  You're right that it does look very similar. That's not really the area I want improved though. If it's got proper scenario support, a decent AI, cool diplomacy, and more accurate battle outcomes, then I'll be a happy camper and will probably buy it. The graphics or units don't really come into it for me much.

                  Most of the things I want can't be seen from the screenshots. The only one we've seen anything about is the Diplomacy Screen (with some sort of Negotiation Table) so it's looking on the right track in that category.

                  Oh, and I'll be waiting for player reviews too.

                  - MKL
                  - mkl


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Aussie on 05-10-2000 06:35 AM

                    1. Graphics...same crap..never really liked the dark look and feel of the CTP graphics. You think they would have created a new set of units!!!


                    The graphics might look the same because they are the same, the final graphics wont be finished until the game is finished, so they have to prototype the game engine using either mock-ups or old graphics.
                    "Through the eyes of perfection evolution dies slowly."

