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Personaly, I find horseman a little too picky

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  • Personaly, I find horseman a little too picky

    I find that waiting to get horsemen is a bad idea unless you can get the avances for it from an enemy civ very early and have a horse supply. Sticking with Archers and Spearman is a good idea for early conquest. Two archers can generaly take down a spearman on a hill fortified, even less for one on a grassland. WHen playing as the Iroquois, use their Special UU unit to its fullest advantage, even iff it might take longer to get then just using archers, it is sure worth it in the long run, they can be very affective until the advent of Calvary, or at least I think. Oh yea, and a small note, always build a barracks, archers attacking fortified spearman that are not veterans will lose more often then not, this is because the defense factors are that an archer will hit the spear man about 1/2 chance to hit when they are fortified, and you will need that extra point all the much. If you use swordsman, try and build a road to the enemy, because like archers, they are slow and cumbersom, that is why I try and get horseman but ussualy end up with Archers. Others may tell you different but, like mine, their opinion is as good as any one elses.

    The longbowman in the second age is worthless compared to theknight, invest no time in it, the chinese Rider is also quite affective, because of its three movement (like the calvary) it can travle quite some distance on a road.

    A smart idea when using archers on the offensive is to get four workers (if you are an industrial nation) and leap frog them to get roads done fast, so you can send reinforcements in if the battle goes bad.

    When using archers in ancient age, always remeber that you will probably need more then the defending spearman, give your best judgement on how many are defending and add two. Often, 5 and one spearman will do the trick in most cases

  • #2
    Why did you open a new thread for this?
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      much as we all appreciate someone taking their time to help out with wisdom gained from playing, surely all 5 of these 'help' threads so far could have been amalgamated into one big 'help' thread instead?

      Plus surely the strategy forum is a better and more logical place for this kind of thing to be placed?

      Edit: Pardon me if I'm mistaken but are you not the "Dukovsky" posting this in the strategy forum ( 13/8 ):

      Help for Begginer

      Hello, I am new to the civilization games and civilization three is my first, I have been having difficulties getting up, and it seems, on warlord mode, I am always swamped in enemy attacks, I need some military stratagies, and how to manage my towns, can any one help?
      and if so, the 'new person help thread' link they provided you with there to help you is surely where all this information is coming from. If that is the case, then why rehash this all as your work with the obligatory spelling and factual mistakes, why not just let people read the original work?

      The help guide in question:

      Last edited by Demerzel; August 14, 2002, 22:02.


      • #4
        Well spotted
        "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez

