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Victory conditions and the AI

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  • Victory conditions and the AI

    After months of browsing I’ve finally got round to registering and posting. So…

    In the last game I just played (Russians on a standard map @ Regent, originally 8 civs but only Russia, Egypt, Greece, England and China left @ the end of the industrial age) everyone was constantly going to war all the way through the middle and industrial ages. But as soon as we hit the modern age everyone stopped fighting, set-up MPPs with each other and went straight for the spaceship - this was in the early 1800s.

    I had been looking forward to waging war with modern weapons but had to concentrate on beating the others to the spaceship instead, since our power, production and tech levels were just to close to call.

    The question is, if I had turned off the spaceship victory, would this have made the AI continue to be warmongers instead of the peaceniks they turned it to?

  • #2
    Games vary. I've seen peaceful games turn into nuke fests the minute several nations started vying for the space race win.
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