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Bomber Range Petition

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  • Bomber Range Petition

    Please Rate Thread

    I am hoping that this petition will help encourage Firaxis to consider changing the current range on bombers and other aircraft. Hopefully it will be successful, and we will finally be done with the 8 square limit. Please keep your comments constructive, and if posting, try to think of a good reason they should address it.

    The better case we make, the better the chance they will look at it.

    So, how important is this issue to you? Take some time & place your vote and hopefully something will come out of this.

    My Thoughts on the Issue: The reason I feel the limit of 8 is restricting is simply because on a detailed map, lets say such as Europe 8 sqaures hardly gets you from Greece to Turkey. It would be great if there were a scale system, that automatically kicks in pending on the size of the map your playing on, but there isn't. The larger or more detailed the map, the less and less this limit makes sense... eventually almost rendering the unit completely ineffective.

    Look at the snapshot below to get an idea of what I am talking about - The Battle of Britian - the highlighted area indicating the range of the bombers (hardly making it to France).
    Attached Files
    Yes, this needs to be changed.
    No, keep it the way it is now, its perfect!
    Not really a concern for me either way if it gets changed or not.
    Last edited by teturkhan; August 16, 2002, 19:34.
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  • #2
    Air unit range should be as variable as land or sea unit range.


    • #3
      Evil Firaxis purposely leaving the bomber range at 8 in order to destroy our most desperate dreams! Nawty fools, we ought to give them a spanking with this!


      • #4
        It is absurd to have a bombers' range limited to '8', especially if a Stealth. This is even more ridculous if using a Large map.

        But since when did Firaxis care about realism or logic?

        Why should we expect them to listen to this when they ignored compaints about invaders not being able to use enemy roads; unlimited RR MP's, or disappeariong garrisons in Flipping? Or lame naval warfare, among others.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Trip
          Evil Firaxis purposely leaving the bomber range at 8 in order to destroy our most desperate dreams! Nawty fools, we ought to give them a spanking with this!

          So your point is what?? Do not question what nonsense the exalted beings at Firaxis throw at us- no mater how STUPID?


          • #6
            just a reason would be nice

            I dont quite understand, 3 weeks to make ths change?
            can somebody explain this to me?

            In my mind it seems simple to change it...hmm... or is it my mind that is simply unable to understand?
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            • #7
              they discussed the difficulty in increasing air range in one of the firaxis chats. you might want to review the chats to see why its so difficult to do.


              • #8
                well i'm not getting my hopes up about civ3 getting this, but if it's possible i certainly hope they add it in


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Coracle
                  So your point is what??
                  My point is that if Firaxis was going to change this then they would have a long time ago so there's no point in 'petitioning' it.


                  • #10
                    I think a bomber range of say, 1/8 of the map width would be about right. On a 100 x 100 (standard) map this would give a range of 12, on a 180 x 180 (huge) map this would give a range of 22-24, and on a 256 x 256 mega map, this would give a range of 32.
                    Those who live by the sword...get shot by those who live by the gun.


                    • #11
                      huge difference

                      So then we are talking a huge difference from 32 to just 8.
                      I have been told the range of bombers is more than 1/8 of the globe. Especially modern bombers.
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                      • #12
                        hi ,

                        yes , they should increase it

                        and not just by 2 tile's or so , ....

                        more like a 100 or so

                        a stealth bomber fly's from the states to the gulf ,....
                        and back , .....

                        and while they are at "unlocking" that field , they should unlock some other fields also

                        and Firaxis , when you flag the option "movement 2" , then the units should not only move two , they should attack twice also , .....

                        have a nice day
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                        • #14
                          I suspect it isn't being increased because the AI would have to be completely retuned to copeor turns would slow down even more as it analysed all its options. If this change is going to appear anywhere it will be in PtW but I expect that airbases will be the only change.
                          To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                          • #15

                            At least this thread is shedding some light on the reasons why we have this limit.

                            well my mod is almost done... I have adjusted most of the unit movement rates to compensate for the size of the map (larger/detailed map - the more the movement rate should be)...

                            funny, my ships go farther than my aircraft?!?!
                            Here are the changes in movement rates, if anyone gets a chance look through it and let me know of any irregularity. As for bombers, jet fighters etc how can I try to balance this? Is infinite range a solution? Ideas anyone?
                            Last edited by teturkhan; August 14, 2002, 22:24.
                            TETurkhan Test of Time Map & Mod - Version 2.0 soon to be posted
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                            [COLOR=sky blue]TETurkhan Stories & Tales - Zion Ambition[/COLOR]

