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  • #16

    Originally posted by Slingshot on 04-13-2000 05:15 PM
    I like your thinking, OrangeSfwr!

    How about city improvements that are automatically built, based upon the following:

    1. Your tech level
    2. Your level of resources (funds are automatically withdrawn from a city-"PW" account)
    3. Your level of trade

    One of the best ideas that have been posted in a while. I have always felt that there is no reason that I should have to build banks, supermarkets, and other advances in a democracy. Private buisinesses should take care of that, but this is the first post that would make this type of idea work. Of course in lower levels of government or one's with more control this would not be possible and you would have to build everything.

    About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


    • #17
      Good thinking, dictatorships and such should not recieve this ability unless they have the money to pay for it...or the slaves (assuming this will be a feature) to build the improvement. But I still say that this problem would be eliminated a litle bit by redoing the production system and make a temple produced in 2 turns, Marketplace and library 4. University and Bank - 8. See my other post in the "how long 'till that marketplace..." thread if your interest has been sparked...

      ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~


      • #18
        In this way, the interface would change depending upon the gov't type (and possibly age, since tech levels are involved).

        This is one aspect of an "Age-dependant interface" that I would like to see in both CivIII and CTP2.

