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Very Huge Maps

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  • Very Huge Maps

    What about playing very huge maps?
    Is it easier or more difficult?
    On what to pay attention?
    This are questions i think we can argue a little...I-ve read some other postings about strategy and the quality of the special traits and would like to know some opinions.

  • #2
    Is it easier or more difficult?
    Depends on your tolerance for tedium.

    On what to pay attention
    Patience and paying attention.

    It makes some traits more powerfull. Military for instance as more battles lead to more leaders which means more Wonders can be rushed.


    • #3
      Generally, your territory usually covers an area larger than standard sized maps and you usually have LOTS (60+) of cities. In effect, you have to be a master of logistics and planning unless you intend to play SimCiv3. You will need to coordinate the movement of 100's of units every turn in early game.

      In late game, the numbers grow to the 1000's and all the time, you have to be aware of exactly what each and every unit is supposed to be doing. The recent patches with stack movement and wake/fortify all commands help, unlike the original release where these nifty commands didn't exist and units had to be moved individually.

      While you can automate your workers, this generally yields substandard results as evidenced by AI cities. However, on huge maps, you will need many many workers to complete the improvements before modern era. Around 2 workers per city (3 per city is better, 4 per city for non-industrious) is needed, otherwise your cities will be generally useless for most of the game.

      Huge maps also amplify the differences between industrious and non-industrious civs as well as between native and captured workers due to how much land has to be improved.

      EDIT -

      It also helps if you have an idea of how big you want all cities to be. While you can specialize with cities with small maps, on huge maps, it's less intensive to just build everything, everywhere. Also, the placement of the FP is extremely vital.

      Of special note is air and naval tactics. Get used to building carrier groups because enemy territory is far beyond the operational range of even stealth bombers based cities.

      An invasion involves sending enough units to secure a beachhead and survive the counter-attack because reinforcements wont arrive anytime soon.
      Last edited by Qilue; August 11, 2002, 13:19.
      There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


      • #4
        I took out the "Huge" map and renamed it "Ultra" making the dimensions 256x256 and so far I've played one game and made 4 maps. The game included 8 civs and by the time I met an opposing civ was late Ancient Times, and the three World Wars lasted centuries, and I was part of two of them. It requires a lot of patience, but if you work the tedium well, you're in for some classic games
        My Future Age-Snoopy's Terrain Mod
        My Future Age-European Terrain Mod
        My Future Age-Winter Terrain Mod
        All scenarios are from their respective terrains now allowing 24 civs and starting in the Future Age. Get them now for a great game!


        • #5
          You'll also need a pretty good computer to keep up with all the units and moves, for me, with a 1.6ghz, AI turns often take 10-15 minutes by the industrial age.


          • #6
            I usually play huge, 16 players, emperor.

            1. have a book to read in between the turns
            2. automate your settlers
            3. expand
            4. diplomacy is VERY important. The tech-trade system is vital to keep up, since the AI's will trade their techs. If you won't, you'll be a barbaric civ with no knowledge.
            5. Keep peace with your neighbours, and one by one destroy them, untill you took over your continent.
            6. because of the 16, oftenly 10-14 of them are large, civs, it's a cool diplomatic game. Wars will become worldwars because of all of the aliances.
            7. Never get into a war if you're not got the intention to. YOU declare war, if you feel like your enemies will if you disagree with them, agree with them, since they'll have 8 other civs who'll agree with them, and declare war on you as well!

            Have patience.
            much patience.

            it's cool!
            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


            • #7
              Don't even think about playing a giant map unless you have a fast PC.
              None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


              • #8
                Don't even think about playing a giant map unless you have a fast PC.

                or a good book
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • #9
                  I keep hearing people talk about mega-, ultra-, and giga- maps. Theres bigger than huge? How do I use it?
                  Were it not for the presence of the unwashed and the half-educated, the formless, queer and incomplete, the unreasonable and the absurd, the infinite shapes of the delightfull human tadpole, the horizon would not wear so wide a grin--Frank Moore Colby


                  • #10
                    you just need to create a map yourself in the editor, I think .... the 'Huge' map size isn't the biggest it is possible to build.

                    You would need a fast PC to run it at a speed that wasn't extremely boring (unless you have a good book to read ). I don't like playing on anything bigger than Standard because I prefer to play lots of shorter games rather than a few long ones. Your mileage may vary...
                    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                    • #11
                      Much good advice, thanks, but i have to tell that looks like if i even didnt played the very huge maps until now - i thought this is the last option when you create the world, but i still think this IS a very huge map
                      i also like to play with all 16 Civs and i agree that the tech-selling strategy is essential, but i dont think that being industrious is SO important. I play russia and in the first age i was getting nearly all techs from my friends in the barbarian huts and after the early game you have enough workers to improve as fast as needed.
                      But it is frustrating, that the trait "expansonistic" is useless after the first age

                      you have to be a master of logistics and planning unless you intend to play SimCiv3
                      .......SimCiv3 is really boring.........

                      While you can automate your workers, this generally yields substandard results as evidenced by AI cities
                      this is very, very true.....

                      Question to all:
                      What is more effective?
                      A city lets say surrounded by grassland:
                      >ALL tiles around improved with mines, or
                      >1/3 to 1/5 of all tiles improved with irrigation

                      I dont see sense in a city growing bigger then 23 or 25...perhaps someone can explain it to me?

                      Wars will become worldwars because of all of the aliances
                      i also think that this is very challenging, especially to try to form strong aliances when you are at war with more than one other civ, ...but only if you are really in a strong position.

                      Wasnt the people arguing much about how "intelligent" the AI is? I think she is not to bad, but still very stupid, or how do you call it when a neighbor of you with whom you had war and who lost all but one city to you, is declaring again war at you...without that you provoke or wanted this???
                      Of course everyone here can imagine how (and how fast) this war ended

                      ...ah, and a good book is really very important
                      ...but the most important and boring is the SAVE and the LOAD buttom...


                      • #12
                        Don't play huge maps unless you have a pentium4 2 ghz!
                        Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

                        The new iPod nano: nano


                        • #13
                          I dont see sense in a city growing bigger then 23 or 25...perhaps someone can explain it to me?
                          I try to max out at 20. That results in every tile being worked and nothing going to feed specialists. I only go over 20 in cities that allready have everything mined that can be mined but have a large number of flood plain or food bonus squares.

                          However there is a good reason for larger city populations.

                          Milking the score. Just look at Aeson's high score games. Lots of happy people and specialists.

                          Very high scores and high levels of tedium go together.


                          • #14
                            Re: Very Huge Maps

                            Originally posted by Gwylim
                            What about playing very huge maps?
                            Is it easier or more difficult?
                            I like huge map with a lot of civs because It give me better deal in trade.

                            On what to pay attention?
                            Don't sign any Protection Pact with anyone or you may end up at war with all other players.


                            • #15
                              I dont see sense in a city growing bigger then 23 or 25...perhaps someone can explain it to me?

                              you get:
                              1. taxman / scientists
                              2. more points
                              3. entertainers to keep the city happier!
                              4. you can show of against your enemies
                              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

