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Bugs-Why a new patch is necessary

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  • Bugs-Why a new patch is necessary

    Don't know if there's another thread like this, didn't see one, so here goes:

    First off, DON'T LIST MAJOR CONTROVERSIES (I.E. CULTURE FLIP, COMBAT SYSTEM, ETC.) There's threads a plenty for that.


    BUG #1: Establishing Embassies-- Only (apparent) way to do this is by right clicking on your capital, and selecting option from pop-up menu, which is WRONGLY TITLED 'CONDUCT ESPIONAGE'
    Were it not for the presence of the unwashed and the half-educated, the formless, queer and incomplete, the unreasonable and the absurd, the infinite shapes of the delightfull human tadpole, the horizon would not wear so wide a grin--Frank Moore Colby

  • #2
    Actually, you can establish an embassy by double-clicking the star icon next to your capital's name on the map view. This automatically brings up the "Establish Embassy" popup.
    Those who live by the sword...get shot by those who live by the gun.


    • #3
      It's not wrongly titled, becuase you can use the Embassy to conduct espionage. And just RTFM!


      • #4
        Pray tell, wise one, why does clicking on the 'conduct espionage' button on the turn bar in the lower right not give you the option to establish embassies?
        Were it not for the presence of the unwashed and the half-educated, the formless, queer and incomplete, the unreasonable and the absurd, the infinite shapes of the delightfull human tadpole, the horizon would not wear so wide a grin--Frank Moore Colby


        • #5
          P.S. I know, there IS a bug report thread already. Its getting a little long and is full of off topic posts, so maybe its time to start a new one.

          Trade diplomacy: When you have prefs set to 'renegotiate deals', and an existing trade (gems for cash, for example) ends after 20 turns, the other civ is contacted. He wants to continue the deal, but if you choose to renegotiate, sometimes he wont even accept the original deal any more!!! VERY frustrating!!

          Suing for peace: you arent able to sweetalk a weak civilization into giving you more stuff after kicking their tail by adding trade, technology, etc. to the pile. Say you want them to surrender a second city, in adittion to other things: "i doubt they will accept this deal". But add a tech to your pile, or resources, or even a couple of your OWN cities, and suddenly: "They would never accept this deal!!"
          Were it not for the presence of the unwashed and the half-educated, the formless, queer and incomplete, the unreasonable and the absurd, the infinite shapes of the delightfull human tadpole, the horizon would not wear so wide a grin--Frank Moore Colby


          • #6
            These seem like very minor bugs, are you sure its worth getting another patch?


            • #7
              I my opinion the worst bug existing for the moment is the Scared to Death bug. (made a thread about it in the strategy section, named "AI cheating on sizes of cities just before they are conquered")


              • #8
                Originally posted by Menkerios
                Pray tell, wise one, why does clicking on the 'conduct espionage' button on the turn bar in the lower right not give you the option to establish embassies?
                Because that button is for espionage. Double click on the star in the name bar for your capitol city to establish an embassy.


                • #9
                  First off, DON'T LIST MAJOR CONTROVERSIES (I.E. CULTURE FLIP, COMBAT SYSTEM, ETC.) There's threads a plenty for that.
                  Are you planning on posting some real bugs instead of engaging in what you said you didn't want?

                  The negotiations apear to be functioning correctly. If they won't do something its because they don't want to make the deal. That includes the 20 turn bit. In this case you are the one initiating the change but the result is the same as it would be when the AI gets it turn. They don't want the deal to continue as is.


                  • #10
                    The Diplomacy Screen bug where you cannot see all the people on a more than 8 player map. They dont even appear if you kill 7 of the civs that you can see! Ot's so annoying, I cant see who my enemy is allied with.


                    • #11
                      It will be possible to turn off culture flipping in PTW.
                      Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

                      The new iPod nano: nano


                      • #12
                        The only major bug is the editor and scenarios. It takes forever to load a big scenario. THAT is a bug.
                        Try my Lord of the Rings MAP out: Lands of Middle Earth v2 NEWS: Now It's a flat map, optimized for Conquests

                        The new iPod nano: nano


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rob.derosa
                          The Diplomacy Screen bug where you cannot see all the people on a more than 8 player map. They dont even appear if you kill 7 of the civs that you can see! Ot's so annoying, I cant see who my enemy is allied with.
                          That's not a bug, it's a design decision. Simply Shift-right click on a space to call up any other civs.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Menkerios
                            P.S. I know, there IS a bug report thread already. Its getting a little long and is full of off topic posts, so maybe its time to start a new one.
                            NO.. it isn't time...

                            Feel free to continue this discussion in the real bug thread...

                            Keep on Civin'
                            RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

