ok, managed to invade the poorest part of the continent! (the west part) with the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th armys (not the army unit, just a group of units that tend to hang around together.)
a group of marines have been sent ahead to take a look, since i have no carriers on that front, so i cant recon. I've equiped them with some dection equipment, cuz we've never set of one of these bombs.
1 - "Henderson, get back here!"
3 - "i'm getting some strange readings"
2 - "oh, tell me thats empty!"
3 - "its a boot, its a bit soggy."
1 - "oh god!"
a group of marines have been sent ahead to take a look, since i have no carriers on that front, so i cant recon. I've equiped them with some dection equipment, cuz we've never set of one of these bombs.
1 - "Henderson, get back here!"
3 - "i'm getting some strange readings"
2 - "oh, tell me thats empty!"
3 - "its a boot, its a bit soggy."
1 - "oh god!"