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Rank ancient wonders in your order of preference

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  • Rank ancient wonders in your order of preference

    Rank the ancient wonders in your order of preference and priority. I am curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this. Here are mine to get things started a bit.

    7. Great Wall
    6. Oracle
    5. Great Lighthouse
    4. Hanging Gardens
    3. Great Library
    2. Pyramids
    1. Colossus

    I am sure placing Colossus as the best ancient wonder may seem a bit unusual, but I find that building the Colossus in conjunction with later Copernicus or Newton (preferably both) leads to an absolute explosion in scientific output. Copernicus/Newton double your base science rate, which is greatly increased by the Colossus. In one game I had a base science rate of 25 with the Colossus, without libraries, universities, anything like that, and building Copernicus' suddenly gave me a science rate of 50! Best of all, the AI rarely puts much heart into completely the Colossus.

    That said, if I had one great leader to rush a wonder with, I would use him on the Pyramids, simply the huge ammount of competition for that wonder.

    One wonder that I think may be overlooked for the most part is the Great Lighthouse. Making prudent use of it's benefits can usually let you meet one or more civs long before the rest of the civs on your continent. And if you don't sell off the contacts, you alone will have the run on these new civs' luxories and techs for quite some time.

  • #2
    1. Colossus
    2-7: Everything else
    "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


    • #3
      I'm glad to see that at least someone agrees with me on the Colossus.


      • #4
        I'd have to say that on deity the Library is the most crucial.


        • #5
          1) Lighthouse
          2) Great library

          I like the lighthouse because I enjoy searching out the map as early as possible.
          Ad astra per aspera

          [To the stars by hard roads]


          • #6
            I go colossus, great library, then get to the other contiennt to trade techs..

            Pyramids I NEVER cities max out at 6 anyway real fast and then I can add captured settlers to bump them up to 12 fairly quickly..

            all the other ones are not important at all to me.. not even worth the effort..

            hanging gardens might seem like they are worth it to some but they are not because by that time I have theology and will rush the sistine chapel instead which is ten times better..and then get you won't need the gardens....


            • #7
              1. Great Library
              2. Great Lighthouse
              3-7. Usually don't build these


              • #8
                1. Colossus
                2. Great Library

                (i usually miss out on the rest)

                3. Great Lighthouse
                4. Hanging Gardens
                5. Pyramids
                6. Great Wall
                7. Oracle
                "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                • #9
                  The answer to this question is determined by which difficulty level you are on. on the easiest, i build every wonder. On the hardest levels I only build the Pyramids and great library. I spend too much time grabbing land to go for others. I want a wonder that lasts the entire game not just a period of time. I also need to stay ahead in the tech race so i can trade techs to avoid war. that allows me to expand faster

                  Its probably bad reasoning but i will figure it out by the time i beat deity (in 1-2 months hopefully)
                  I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotamy


                  • #10
                    1. Pyramids
                    2. Hanging Gardens
                    3. Oracle
                    4. Great Library
                    5. Colossus
                    6. Great Lighthouse (higher on huge maps)
                    7. Great Wall
                    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute


                    • #11
                      on pangia maps or ones were everyone discovers eachother fairly quickly, i would go with library.

                      it lets you set your science to almost nothing, getting tons of gold, and beef up your war machine. easily conquering some neghbores, and when a really important advance comes along (like chivalry) you have the money to set science to 100 for about 9 turns till its discovered...

                      7-great wall


                      • #12
                        Here's my list:

                        1. Pyramids (I just love to get free stuff for my cities )
                        2. Great Library (For the games, were I set science a low priority)
                        3. Great Wall (If I'm living on a huge continent)
                        4. Colossus

                        I seldom build the rest, I believe I have never ever built the Oracle yet...or even tried it. The lighthouse is also very low priority, since I don't sail that much...The Hangin Gardens? Don't think I have ever won a wonder race with this wonder...
                        This space is empty... or is it?

