It can take up to 800 years to construct a marketplace. I find something extremely wrong with that. Besides the fact that the production system should be redone (another thread), the shield system is inacurate. Marketplaces do not take 800 years to create, even if that is only 40 turns in a game. I'm not picking on marketplaces obviously, it's the whole system. It just doesn't work. one more quick thing to add...why is currency the pre-req for trade? Don't you have to know how to trade before you can make money to trade with? It's called barter, before coin money it was how trading was done. Than the romans made coins. The marketplace reminded me of that and I don't feel like starting a new thread.
~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~