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Speech interface

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  • Speech interface

    I have heard a lot about the new speech products of for example Lernout & Hauspie.
    They allow to convert spoken language into written text, so it could be possible to have a parser that interprets these spoken commands. A very basic parser could only understand commands with a specific syntax, like:
    'Unit' 'command' 'subject'
    for example
    Brussels build city walls
    A very powerful parser could understand commands like
    'All air units less than two turns away from Brussels, get over there NOW !'

    [This message has been edited by UndoRetry (edited April 10, 2000).]

  • #2
    Good idea!

    Why not try this feature in CivIII?

    I have seen other software titles which have Undoly read the writing on the wall and incorporated a speech interface.

    They could thus open the doRe to a new method of input, without throwing the Civ community into an endo.

    I mean, CivIII could be the vessel by which effective speech recognition gains entry into the mainstream gaming world. Everything from then on will become a Civ-speech retro product. It would Undoubtedly be another hand by which Firaxis could grab the brass ring of gaming innovation.

    PS. I really like your Nickname. It inspires creativity, and the (UndoRetry) creative process!
    [This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited April 13, 2000).]


    • #3
      No offense but this got to be as bad of an idea as 3D RTS. Speech recognition technology needs to be put to death. Imagine a whole floor of cubicles with everyone jabbering at the computer? What we need to have, including for Civ3, is people thinking with their heads instead of yapping with their mouths.


      • #4
        I agree wholeheartedly. I would much rather type or use a gamepad than talk to my computer. plus what happens if it hears something wrong, do you have an undo for that?

        E.G. "All air units attack Rome" --> "All air units, go home"

        Computers aren't perfect

        ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~


        • #5
          It's nice to get some debating. We are taking ourselves too seriously, I think.

          Which part should I not take offence to?
          The part about submitting a 3D RTS version of Civ or the part about yapping with my mouth instead of thinking with my head?


          • #6
            I made myself misunderstood again. What I specifically meant was for computer users, including gamers, not spending the effort to talk baby-talk to the computer, thus not only creating more noise but distracting from the task at hand, whether being productive at work or implementing a strategy in Civ. I think Orange knew what I was trying to say.

            As far as 3D RTS, you have to realize that Civers, along with wargamers, are the most dogmatic TBS gamers there are. Most would bristle at the mention of such an inferior game style. I think in one of the other forums here, there was a fairly lengthy debate on TBS vs RTS.


            • #7
              Steve, if you are playing Civ at work, you would definitely have a problem with a speech interface. Sorry, I haven't thought of that.
              (I only play civ at home.)

