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I miss 'city captured/destroyed' popups from earlier versions

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  • I miss 'city captured/destroyed' popups from earlier versions

    That was such a nice feature of CivNet and i think all other versions had these informative popups about others wars.

    I hope it will be back with PtW.
    Yes, i liked them and i miss them !
    No, it's just waste of time !

  • #2
    you mean cities you had no part in?

    when you take a city you get a popup to raze / keep it.

    when someone takes your city, you get another popup.

    if they raze it you get something like:
    "The Romans have captured Berlin and burned it to the ground! They must pay for this atrocity!"
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #3

      We talk about popups saying AI civ 1 captured/destroyed xyz city of AI civ 2.

      In civ3 you could inform about news from AI wars through examining the world map, or when somebody is completely conquered (there's a popup for this event).


      • #4
        I think I might vote banana on this one. It might be nice to know when a city is taken or what not, but it could also get annoying.....although, this actually MIGHT make a good pref option.....And for something like this, I think it actually would make a good pref option....


        • #5
          Originally posted by UberKruX
          if they raze it you get something like:
          "The Romans have captured Berlin and burned it to the ground! They must pay for this atrocity!"
          Looking over my shoulders again eh Uber? How many times do I have to tell you: ROME WILL KICK EVERYONE'S BUTT!

          I vote no.
          I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


          • #6
            Yes, I want it back! It gave you the idea that there was something else going on apart from your own empire building.
            Somebody told me I should get a signature.


            • #7
              I voted Yes. It could be useful to keep an eye on a war abroad and not to suddenly get "The rampaging xxx forces have destroyed...".
              "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


              • #8
                My vote: Yes

                Can't believe they left it out of the game...

                It's not always just about "you" and "you enemy"

                Maybe there could be a news paper, showing up from time to time, if something interesting has happened. Maybe this news paper could show up every 10 turns, talking about the interesting stuff that has happened during that time. Of course this news paper shouldn't just write facts, it should have some "News paper" talking in it:

                October 15th 1965 the Chineese capital was razed to the ground by the Germans, the Chineese swor revence, and they got revence just a month later, as they took the German town of Flensburg.

                On July 1st 1967 we signed a military alliance with the Chineese, to help them fight the war against Germany, two days later we used a brand new weapon, called the tactical nuke, on the German harbor city of Hamburg. This attack outraged the Greeks, who imidiatly decleared war on us.

                This newspaper mentions (as I said before) anything interesting, which also includes what you're doing. The other Civs get a slightly changed news paper. Here's how the Greek newspaper would look like:

                No changes in the first part

                On July 1st 1967 the French signed a military alliance with the Chineese, to assist them in the war against Germany, two days later they used a brand new weapon, they call the tactical nuke, on the German harbor city of Hamburg. This attack is outragious, within no time, out magnificent leader decleared war on France
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • #9
                  i love the idea of a newspaper, would add something of a real world feel to the game
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #10
                    The newspaper idea is interesting, but would probably be too difficult to implement as exposed. Maybe a simplier newspaper, which logs events and could be read everytime.
                    "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Nym
                      The newspaper idea is interesting, but would probably be too difficult to implement as exposed. Maybe a simplier newspaper, which logs events and could be read everytime.
                      Let's first be said, I don't know much about programming, but I think this could be done about the same way the diplomacy is done

                      I tried to make a little thing on how it could look like (Based on diplomacy.txt). Though I guess there need to be "; $PLAYER2" thing for each player, for each Civ, and so on (Hope you can follow me, in what I'm talking about)...Anyway, here it is:

                      ; $Date0 = The random date (month day)
                      ; $Date1 = The year
                      ; $PLAYER2 = Player's name
                      ; $Player3 = AIs name
                      ; $Civ4 = Players civ
                      ; $Civ5 = AI's Civ
                      ; $CIVADJ6 = Our people (ADJ)
                      ; $CIVADJ7 = AI's people (NOUN)
                      ; $CITY8 = The city

                      #random 1 (If capital was razed)
                      "$Date0 $Date1, the $CIVADJ7 capital was razed to the ground by the $CIVADJ7"

                      #random 2 (If they got revence)
                      "$PLAYER3 swor revence, and just they got revence on $Date0 $Date1 as they conquered the $CIVADJ7 city of $CITY8

                      And don't kill me, if everything here is wrong. As I said before, I don't know much about programming...
                      This space is empty... or is it?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ADG

                        Let's first be said, I don't know much about programming, but I think this could be done about the same way the diplomacy is done

                        I tried to make a little thing on how it could look like (Based on diplomacy.txt). Though I guess there need to be "; $PLAYER2" thing for each player, for each Civ, and so on (Hope you can follow me, in what I'm talking about)...Anyway, here it is:

                        ; $Date0 = The random date (month day)
                        ; $Date1 = The year
                        ; $PLAYER2 = Player's name
                        ; $Player3 = AIs name
                        ; $Civ4 = Players civ
                        ; $Civ5 = AI's Civ
                        ; $CIVADJ6 = Our people (ADJ)
                        ; $CIVADJ7 = AI's people (NOUN)
                        ; $CITY8 = The city

                        #random 1 (If capital was razed)
                        "$Date0 $Date1, the $CIVADJ7 capital was razed to the ground by the $CIVADJ7"

                        #random 2 (If they got revence)
                        "$PLAYER3 swor revence, and just they got revence on $Date0 $Date1 as they conquered the $CIVADJ7 city of $CITY8

                        And don't kill me, if everything here is wrong. As I said before, I don't know much about programming...
                        Well, it looks good.
                        Sounds it would be possible.
                        "Der Krieg ist die bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln." (Carl von Clausewitz, Vom Kriege)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Nym
                          Well, it looks good.
                          Sounds it would be possible.

                          Though I guess it needs more of these:

                          ; $Date0 = The random date (month day)
                          ; $Date1 = The year
                          ; $PLAYER2 = Player's name
                          ; $Player3 = AIs name
                          ; $Civ4 = Players civ
                          ; $Civ5 = AI's Civ
                          ; $CIVADJ6 = Our people (ADJ)
                          ; $CIVADJ7 = AI's people (NOUN)
                          ; $CITY8 = The city

                          Here it's not just about your civ and the enemy Civ, so I guess they will need a $CIVADJ for each Civ and $Civ for each Civ and $Player for each leader
                          This space is empty... or is it?

