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State planning system

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  • State planning system

    For example: China must die, i need for landing 60 modern armor, 20 mech infantry and 10 transports (X 8 troops).

    City and capitol governors not support quantities and exact unit types (only attack or defence).
    I must select city for production, i must select production in cities, i must check for completed tasks, every city build faster or slower then another city... oh... f$cking job!

    I want State Planning System for place State Orders!
    Russians go!

  • #2
    And, sadly, that's not the end... after you finally assemble you mighty invasion army, you will have to move it long way to the shores of the enemy mainland. And then, you will not be able to give them the only order of yours, The Supreme Commander of All Armed Forces: "Destroy 'em all!", but you will have to control every unit separately...

    Man, Civ was always like this and will most probably remain the same in this aspect - it needs a lot of micromanagement. If we put the State Planning System and maybe Supreme Military Command in, we would be watching "our AI" play against "the other AIs", doing very little ourselves...

    Besides, there is the build queue that can serve your purpose to an extent. If you set the build queues in selected cities (well, you will have to select them manually, of course) so that they contain, say, five to ten MAs, all you'll have to do is hit Enter when the city governors tell you that one MA was finished and whether they should start working on another one (or, you can set "Always build the previously built unit" option). Not exactly the State Planning System, but a way to simplify things for you.


    • #3
      Yes, yes!
      I like control every unit at war!
      Russians go!


      • #4
        Originally posted by avpavlov
        Yes, yes!
        I like control every unit at war!

        Yep, I know. But Civ is not a wargame (not primarily). It is a unique combination of a builder game and a wargame. You can't have one part without the other... Asking for the State Planning System is much like asking for a Supreme Military Command (which is what the builder-oriented players might ask for).

        I did not mean to be difficult. I just pointed out that what you were asking for was taking out an essential part of the game. So essential that it would no longer be Civ, if the developers did it...


        • #5
          But 'Automate' action for worker exists...
          Let State Planning System enabled after something research, or only for Communism goverment, or only for Militaristic nations.
          In Diety-Huge i have 70 cities on three continent and empire managing is very wearing.
          Manual managing good at start of game, but at end of game it is unnecessarily
          Russians go!


          • #7
            You can already give quite extesnive city govenor instructions in the game by right clicking on a city and selecting the city govenor,here you can tell your govenor whether to control production or not and what to build if yes in this city,in cities on this continent or in all cities or finally you can do individual build queues in each of your cities from the city screen.
            Last edited by ChrisiusMaximus; August 5, 2002, 12:29.
            A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


            • #8

              Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
              ...although, or i'm very stupid, or you dont't read first post in this thread
              Russians go!


              • #9
                In the editor you can automate any unit you wish. This helps later in the game when you have lots of units. Especially if you want to destroy them all!
                Sorry....nothing to say!


                • #10
                  I want for automated unit building, not moving or attacking or defending.
                  I want for automated switching production queue to civil improvements after State Order completion.
                  I want for automated city(-es) selecting for State Order completion.
                  Russians go!


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
                    You can already give quite extesnive city govenor instructions in the game by right clicking on a city and selecting the city govenor,here you can tell your govenor whether to control production or not and what to build if yes in this city,in cities on this continent or in all cities or finally you can do individual build queues in each of your cities from the city screen.
                    hi ,

                    agreed , BUT , it aint all , and it needs work

                    have a nice day
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                    • #12
                      Originally posted by avpavlov
                      I want for automated unit building, not moving or attacking or defending.
                      I want for automated switching production queue to civil improvements after State Order completion.
                      I want for automated city(-es) selecting for State Order completion.
                      Um...that's what the building ques are for. Or do you want the game to play itself for you?
                      Sorry....nothing to say!


                      • #13
                        No, i want select unit types and quantities,
                        and let State Planning System ® place my order in cities and check it for completion.
                        Monotonous sequence [Select city]-[Select production]-[Select city]-[Select production] very wearing (i have >70 cities)
                        Russians go!


                        • #14
                          CTP2 had an excellent national manager which does almost exactly what avpavlov wants (I say almost, because it doesn't allow you to select cities base by geographic location, but by size/age/production whatever...).

                          Unfortunately Firaxis didn't bother with such innovations (or even copying other games good ideas). They like players to waste their time on menial micormanagment. In fact they seem to believe that players play Civ games FOR the micromanagment.
                          They also looooooove writing crappy AI's like automation and govoners, rather than giving players PROPER TOOLS for empire managment.
                          And I'm not just ranting or wishing for things that are impossible to implement because CTP2 has EXACTLY the type of MM-reducing tools I'm talking about.

                          And I know CTP2 is CRAP but that doesn't mean it's all crap. In terms of micromanagment mangagment it's lightyears ahead of Civ3. Or prehaps Civ3 is just light years behind all the competition.
                          (If you know anything about travelling at near light speeds then you know that Firaxis must have a bit of a time defecit by travelling slower than the others, this time is all the time players have spent micromanaging hundreds of units while OTHER GAMES have had proper managment for years!)


                          • #15
                            I play CTP2 and i agreed that micromanagment in CTP2 more comfortable, but game balance and game realism in CIV3 more attractive (IMHO )
                            Russians go!

