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Cheating or Not?

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  • Cheating or Not?

    Here's the situation - at Warlord level, approaching the end of the Mediaeval era, I'm the most advanced civilisation, apart from the Persians, who have Military Tradition, which I don't.
    I approach the Persians and ask what I can give them in the way of money and luxuries and they say that there is no way at all whatsoever that they would ever think of trading ANYTHING for this tech. Fair enough, if I were them I wouldn't do it either... but then, after about six turns, suddenly the Persians, the English, and the Zulus are all Industrial, and there's my Science Advisor moaning that we are backward people!
    On inspection, they have all acquired 3 advances... has the AI awarded itself these out of the blue, or have the Persians had a sudden change of heart and entrered into a frantic tech trading spree with the English and the Zulus?
    It's not a serious problem, because I could in one turn cut the Persians off from their saltpetre and iron resources and seize three of their cities, if I wanted to play it that way... but I'm just a bit curious as to whether the AI likes to either cheat with techs or freely swap them while refusing offers from the human player...?

  • #2
    There are lot's of threads about this very issue around here.
    Take a big bag of chips, a huge bottle of coke,go back a few pages, and read and read and read
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #3
      This is nothing new. The AI likes to trade between themselves for virtually nothing but absolutely refuse to even discuss a similiat trade with you. The inter AI trade rate can be changed by the editor but it is sort of said that you have to do this to begin with.
      Try for discussion and debate.


      • #5
        Originally posted by Oerdin
        This is nothing new. The AI likes to trade between themselves for virtually nothing but absolutely refuse to even discuss a similiat trade with you. The inter AI trade rate can be changed by the editor but it is sort of said that you have to do this to begin with.
        I disagree. The AI is merely more active in diplomacy then the human player. In my current game on Marla's all the big civs seem to have equal techs, but they are not just giving them to the little civs. I believe that this is because the big civs actually have something to offer, while the little ones dont. Also, I am ussually on "annoyed" with most of my neighbors. I wonder if more of them were nicer too me if it would be easier to trade.
        "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

        "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


        • #6
          The bigger, wealthier you are, the more valuable things are to you, so they are more expensive. Also, the AI is really selfish of brand new techs, but a couple turns later and things could be different.

          As scientific civs advance to a new age, they get a free tech. That would also spur their advancement, especially if they then start trading.

