As cities grows larger they autmatically get divided inte more and more quarters. I think that this would be a better indicator on the size of an city.
The infrastructure of an city is very important. U need roads, electricity, telephones, TV-network, computernetwork, water, sewer systems, maybe a subwaysystem, bussystem maybe a streetcar system.
These are things that exist in alot of cities. My thought is hard to explain but i'll give an example.
U get the technology to build a subwaysystem in your city. The city have the size of 54 quarters but u can't afford to connect all off them in the subwaysystem. U decide to start in 12 quarters. The construction takes a few turns and costs alot of money, but when it's done the traffic jams get's a bit less annoying and pollution and caraccident's decrease. This make the citizens a bit more happy and your accident bill is less expensive. Twenty years later your city has grown and u now have 64 quarters and the trafficproblems are horrific. Your economy is quite good (and your skill in building subways are better than ever). U decide that it's time for you to expand the subwaysystem.
U do so and again it's the same thing.
It's the same thing with energy and sewersystem. U have to expand the system when it's needed. For instance not expanding sewersystem would be a medical hazzard.
There are a few categories of infrastructure
- Traffic (Roads, rail)
- Communication (TV, Internet, Phones)
- Support (Water, sewer system, Energy)
Any thought?
The infrastructure of an city is very important. U need roads, electricity, telephones, TV-network, computernetwork, water, sewer systems, maybe a subwaysystem, bussystem maybe a streetcar system.
These are things that exist in alot of cities. My thought is hard to explain but i'll give an example.
U get the technology to build a subwaysystem in your city. The city have the size of 54 quarters but u can't afford to connect all off them in the subwaysystem. U decide to start in 12 quarters. The construction takes a few turns and costs alot of money, but when it's done the traffic jams get's a bit less annoying and pollution and caraccident's decrease. This make the citizens a bit more happy and your accident bill is less expensive. Twenty years later your city has grown and u now have 64 quarters and the trafficproblems are horrific. Your economy is quite good (and your skill in building subways are better than ever). U decide that it's time for you to expand the subwaysystem.
U do so and again it's the same thing.
It's the same thing with energy and sewersystem. U have to expand the system when it's needed. For instance not expanding sewersystem would be a medical hazzard.
There are a few categories of infrastructure
- Traffic (Roads, rail)
- Communication (TV, Internet, Phones)
- Support (Water, sewer system, Energy)
Any thought?