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Bomber Range makes Giga Maps useless

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  • Bomber Range makes Giga Maps useless

    A limit of 8 squares is far too small for a huge or Giga sized maps. My map is a world map and the movement is so limited, I couldn't imagine this limit on lets say a European Map Giga Sized.

    Has anyone managed to come up with a tool to edit this?
    TETurkhan Test of Time Map & Mod - Version 2.0 soon to be posted
    TETurkhan Strategy Thread - Discuss ways to play the mod
    [COLOR=sky blue]TETurkhan Stories & Tales - Zion Ambition[/COLOR]

  • #2
    Can the range not be edited directly in the editor?
    The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)

    The gift of speech is given to many,
    intelligence to few.


    • #3
      The range is hard coded (or something) to a max of 8.
      Sorry....nothing to say!


      • #4
        which is stupid!
        It shouldn't of been hard coded, thats like rubbing it in our faces or somthing mad like that! In WW2 the bombers from london could make it all the way to the other side of Germany and back.

        The fighters couldn't get very far but the bombers could!
        This just feels like they set out to annoy us or somthing when they did this! They must of realized that its just a rediculisly short distance and couldn't be arsed to change it, just like they couldn't be arsed to do a hole load of other things!
        Help negate the vegiterian movement!
        For every animal you don't eat! I'm gunna eat three!!


        • #5
          Take a pill. Relax. It's just a game.
          Sorry....nothing to say!


          • #6
            It is just a Game but...

            you have to admit it is very limiting... what if someone wanted to do a WW2 scenario with a detailed Giga map of Europe. Bomber would be rendered in-effective... they would be lucky to get from England to France let alone back...

            like I said, I would be very thankful if somebody could hack this limit!
            TETurkhan Test of Time Map & Mod - Version 2.0 soon to be posted
            TETurkhan Strategy Thread - Discuss ways to play the mod
            [COLOR=sky blue]TETurkhan Stories & Tales - Zion Ambition[/COLOR]


            • #7
              IMHO, huge maps are meant to be huge, not more detailed

              I have read this limited bomber range complaint on many occasions... I see no reason for hardcoding the maximum range value, it should be as editable as everything else, that's right.

              However, I believe that the usual reasoning ("bombers are useless on huge maps because of the small range") is not correct. IMHO, the huge maps were meant to be huge, not more detailed. A "huge world map" is actually not a "more detailed Earth" map, it is a map of a planet, say, twice as larger as the Earth. However, the bombers still have the same range as on the real Earth, so their relative range is - on this large planet - lower.

              If you ask for the bomber range to be increased for huge maps, why don't you ask for an increase in movement points for ALL the units? That would make sense. Picking just bombers gives little sense to me...

              OTOH, asking for some sort of a workaround allowing detailed maps to be created and played, is perfectly okay. Something like multiplying the movement/range values by a factor...

              Please, do not understand me wrong. I do not want to start flame wars, I am not attacking anyone's opinion. Just a thought about what is that we should ask for... I guess it is not only editable max_range, but something allowing for a changed map scale.


              • #8
                Vondrack has a point here.

                And I fail to see how bombers are useless on large maps. You can still station them near/at your borders and attack neighboring civs the same way as you can on a small map.

                Besides, ships are much more "useless" on large maps. You can station any bomber in any city within one turn but you need a lot of turns ro reach a destination with a ship on larger maps.

                I WOULD like to have an editable range >8 tiles but not because of map sizes.


                • #9
                  its simple really. if they let us edit our own air ranges this would make the whole point of extended range airbases obsolete in the expansion pack. thus leaving it like it is makes us have to give them thirty bucks for an expansion game. ta da


                  • #10
                    I totally agree

                    very good point Vondrack, the only reason I didn't bring up increasing the mobility of other units is because I am not aware there are any probs increasing them. Only air units have this limit.

                    Your right Todd, they are not completely useless but they are no where near as effective as they should be. In particular bombers, you need to have range... On my map which is a world map this will be a limiting factor however like I said I cannot imagine how much more in-effective they would be on a Giga map of europe for example.

                    Not sure if this was done deliberately to squeeze more money out of us, but I am happy we will have airbases - that will eleviate the limited range. Also you can give them infinate range, but this is not ideal.
                    TETurkhan Test of Time Map & Mod - Version 2.0 soon to be posted
                    TETurkhan Strategy Thread - Discuss ways to play the mod
                    [COLOR=sky blue]TETurkhan Stories & Tales - Zion Ambition[/COLOR]


                    • #11
                      You could always give your stealth bombers the infinite bombard range attribute, call it in flight refueling. Another possibility would be to de-select the immobile attribute but I have yet to test that theory, your plane could crash (the game.)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ACooper
                        Take a pill. Relax. It's just a game.
                        Yea, surrre. That is the same tired old hackneyed mantra we have heard for months every time someone points out yet another flaw or problem with the game that Firaxis refuses to fix.

                        A maximum range of '8' for bombers is absurd on even a Large map, and it is worse for Stealth bombers and even Stealth fighters. The "infinite range" option is entirely inadequate, and I'm not sure if precision strikes are possible with it for the human or the AI.

                        How hard would it be to change the code up to '12' or even '16'? Firaxis just isn't interested.

                        Actually, I was hoping in Civ 3 we would see MP's change automatically according to map size; that was an improvement I hoped for after Civ 2. Nope.


                        • #13
                          Do they have a response?

                          I probably missed it, but has Firaxis ever responded to Culture Flipping or Bomber Range Limits? I am sure they have a reason, would love to know what it is...
                          TETurkhan Test of Time Map & Mod - Version 2.0 soon to be posted
                          TETurkhan Strategy Thread - Discuss ways to play the mod
                          [COLOR=sky blue]TETurkhan Stories & Tales - Zion Ambition[/COLOR]


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Coracle
                            Actually, I was hoping in Civ 3 we would see MP's change automatically according to map size; that was an improvement I hoped for after Civ 2. Nope.
                            That's a darn good idea, but it would need to allow you to toggle it on and off depending on the type of scenario someone might want to build.


                            • #15
                              Re: Do they have a response?

                              Originally posted by teturkhan
                              I probably missed it, but has Firaxis ever responded to Culture Flipping or Bomber Range Limits? I am sure they have a reason, would love to know what it is...
                              I guess I missed it too - no surprise from Firaxis.

                              Why CF? Why crazy levels of settler expansion? Why can't subs and privateers attack merchant shipping? Why no Cheat Mode? I guess we are just the hoi poloi not entitled to know.

