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A better policy for losing Wonder Races?

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  • A better policy for losing Wonder Races?

    I'm really annoyed by the lost shields associated with losing Wonder races. If you don't have a fall back build, you can get screwed out of a lot of shields. I'd be willing to forgo pre-builds in exchange for no lost shields.

    For example you get beat to a wonder:

    You can now switch to another wonder (the only time it would be allowed). Switch to a small wonder (the only time it would be allowed), or switch to a city improvement.

    The extra shields would carry over to your next turn and you would be allowed to put them toward another build. You could even build 3 or 4 turns in a row if you had that many shields going.

    IMO this system would be better. It would get rid of the pre-build exploit, and not punish you so severely for losing the wonder race.
    YES, its a fair tradeoff
    MAYBE if you didn't eliminate pre-builds
    NO, the punishment fits the loss
    YOU SUCK! I always beat the AI to Wonders

  • #2
    How does this get rid of "pre-builds"?

    I don't think you should get all those shields right into your next build. Maybe 33-50% of leftovers each build would be appropriate... come to think of it, this should happen with everything.


    • #3
      I have no problems with the way it works now. The way it works now is if you know its going to be a close race you have to decide if the risk of losing the shields is worth the beneifits of the wonder. If you lose its just something you have to deal with it. The AI has to deal with it when you beat them to a wonder, so it is fair the way it is now.


      • #4
        system works fine the way it is now. my only suggestion is to make the penalty even *worse*. right now you get "cascading" wonders when several civs are in the wonder race . . . when you switch from one particular wonder to something else (whether another wonder or not), you should get a 50% shield penalty. right now with the cascading, you have to watch not only the cities building your particular wonder, but any cities building any wonder, which is quite a few in the middle ages. shields should be specific to a specific wonder.


        • #5
          I like things fine the way they are.
          A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.


          • #6
            To generalize the matter somewhat...

            The Civ Games alter on excess production. Most of the Civ games burn the excess, but allow free switching. (CIV I, II, III, MOM). Some allow carry over and free switching (MOO, MOO II). SMAC allowed carry over but penalized switching.

            The Great wonder production loss occurs because the original CIV has it. I believe that the variation as these games come out is an indication that this is a very changeable aspect to the 4X genre and thus does not possesss one right way to do it.

            Personally, I like the 'Prebuild/always have an open wonder strategy' the major loss engenders. I rarely lose one or two turns of production due to a lost wonder race, (and I lose a lot of races)


            • #7
              I don't have a problem with the way the game works now, nor do I object to playtesting the following concept:

              Excess shields add to the next build project(s). Of course, maybe not all shields, due to specific costs, but some. Playtesting is essential to find the proper value.

              Regardless, I'm sure there's much more important improvements to be done to the game for the next patch and PTW. (Unit trading/commerce, anyone? )


              • #8
                expolits! expolits! expolits!

                start buildig a womder you dont really want, and when you get a new tech, switch out and pump out 10 infantry in 1 turn.
                "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                • #9
                  Originally posted by UberKruX
                  expolits! expolits! expolits!

                  start buildig a womder you dont really want, and when you get a new tech, switch out and pump out 10 infantry in 1 turn.
                  Does that work after the latest patch?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                    Does that work after the latest patch?
                    No man, we're just talking here...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by UberKruX
                      expolits! expolits! expolits!

                      start buildig a womder you dont really want, and when you get a new tech, switch out and pump out 10 infantry in 1 turn.
                      It would be very cool, (at least for me, I don't know about the AI) to be able to pump out multiple units per city per turn.

                      I mean if you had, say an 80 shield per turn city, you 'should' be able to get 8 - 10 shield units. I know my example isn't perhaps the best--by the time cities can generate 80+ sheilds/turn, I don't think there's anything that can be built for 10s. However, the concept would be kinda cool--at least for me
                      "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


                      • #12
                        workers cost ten.
                        What an ugly city. Lets burn it down and build a magnificent forest.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sargoth
                          workers cost ten.
                          I, then, stand corrupted, err, corrected. It would be cool to produce 8 workers from 1 city in 1 turn. It could be used to get rid of all those 'dissident' citizens. But if it were possible, it would probably only take your Happy folks and as soon as it was completed, your city would descend into Anarchy and probably just spontaneously combust or something.
                          "...Every Right implies a certain Responsibility; Every Opportunity, an Obligation; Every Possession, a Duty." --J.D. Rockerfeller, Jr.


                          • #14
                            O.K, I answered "Maybe" to this question, with the following Caveat!
                            My feeling is that, if you try and build a Great Wonder, then swap to either another wonder, or a Small Wonder or improvement, even if you get beaten to it, then you should lose only as many shields as it would take to get you "Half-way" towards completing your goal! Example, let's say you're building the Pyramids, you are half-way there, then you decide to build a Library, 'cause you just got the requisite tech. In civ2, you would have been more than finished the library, and would recieve it the very next turn. Instead, I think that, if the library would have taken a total of 8 turns to build, then you should only get to keep 4 turns worth of shields (thus leaving 4 turns left to build the library!).
                            If you switch to units, though, you should lose all but 1 shield!!
                            Anyway, that's just my view! I should point out, though, that it's not that big a deal to me!



                            • #15
                              IT woul dbe nice just to rather get some gold for teh loss of shields since the "investment" of shields/ie manpower may generate derivitive benefits. Ok so i didn't build the hoover dam.. but dammit i must have built SOMETHING!! (or did it all go to "consultants" LOL) Perhaps if each wonder was tied to an improvement or unit which would spin off if teh wonder failed.. say a failed great library may create a university, a failed great wall = city wall, a failed manhattan project = nuclear power station..etc

                              "Capitalism is man exploiting man; communism is just the other way around."

