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New Tile Improvements

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  • New Tile Improvements

    It might be cool to have some new tile improvements...

    For starts, soldiers should be able to build fortresses.. As time progresses, fortresses can be replaced by trenches, then by bunkers et..

    Also, you should be able to build SAM sites.. These SAM sites should be capable, if loaded and activated, to shoot out missiles at planes within a certain radius.. This can be animated and lends a touch of RTS to the gameplay...

    Apart from SAMs, there should be Missile Silos, in which you either load (by transporting it from a city by truck or rail) or build, missiles...

    Tunnels thru mountain ranges and under short expanses of sea should be allowed as well.

    ICQ: 17719980

  • #2
    The upgrade of fortresses to bunkers is a very good idea.
    About the SAM sites, I don't know... If you build them everywhere around your cities, the entire air combat should be compromised. Maybe with a limitation: let's say, no more than 2 SAMs around a city.
    I think the tunnels construction is already included through the longer time the engineers need to build railroads in mountains.
    But of course there could be a lot of new fun or usefull TI around our cities. For example, energy relating TIs: solar collectors, wind mills, etc; or national parks (increase tourism gold, reduce pollution), ski camps (tourism), ... Well, I'm too tired now, so I can't figure out other TIs, but there is a lot of place for good ideas here .


    • #3
      There are sam sites in the game.
      I'm thinking in the direction of mobile SAM units.

      They're expensive but they're the only groung unit that can fight (and hopefully win) planes and aircraft. Maybe even shoot down missiles.

      This could be usefull.


      • #4
        Yes, there could be a limit on no. of SAMs in city radius.. And perhaps their success rate against planes are about 50%.. It might compromise air-wars, but then again, where in the real world can fighters stalk enemy skies unopposed? SAMs would be especially useful in a turn-based air war.. They would be the only defence against air units..

        The possibilities for TIs are endless.. Perhaps some other CIVer could post here..

        ICQ: 17719980

